Match v. ]WM[


New Member
Challenged by War-Mongers Clan. I've never heard of them. Their website makes my brain cry. The tears are building up and the pressure gives me a headache.

To the batcave! (yes, this means info, please)
I've played them. I regularly hang-out on their servers (that is, until my controller broke).

I've played against Mad Angus and Warped Out, both of whom are roughly equal to myself skill-wise.
Ah, noes! Background music on a website that looks like it was made in geocites! Make it stop! Should be a fun fight though.
Bad week and weekend guys. No free time for me (Mother's Day weekend, back home to see the rents), not until Monday.

Incidently, starting May 16th and onwards, I'll be out of comission for a few weeks as I'm going to be moving. The new location has a free wireless connection that I'm going to try out, but if it turns out to be junk (I can see scenarios where the wireless router konks out, and because it's in the landlords office, I can't get in to reset it) I'll go pay for my own internet connection.

All this means that I could be without an internet connection at home for 2-3 weeks. :p I'll be able to get to the forums and such at work, but no UT until I get my connection sorted out.

Sorry guys. :p
Ok, I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that Killerah is always available since he didn't specify. Next time I see @nd$ and Michael+ I'm going to tell them that if they don't start checking these boards at least every two days I'm going to email them a wedgie.

I have accepted the match on pure speculation of availability. We'll see how it goes.
Kraniac, I can swing both those dates you specified (May 13th, 8:30pm and May14th, 9:30pm), so I can be there. (whew!)
I might be able to make those. Actually, I know I have something on the 13th, so the 14th would be the best. By that time I'll have my new wireless card and will be playing (mostly) lag free! w00t!
May 13th and 14th both work for me in the evenings, if you guys want me to play. I do check these boards, you know. I just post very often. I've played with WM before. Should be a good match. You guys better not forget your mothers(and wives if you have kids)!!! I'll be at practice... what is it now sundays at 1700 EST?

Correct, Michael. But since yesterday and today were both overflowing with various parties and celebrations for the marriage of one of my best friends, and since Mother's Day is tomorrow, AND since it's also my youth-pastor-uncle's last sermon at a church he's worked for upwards of ten years, I will probably not be making it.
kraniac said:
AND since it's also my youth-pastor-uncle's last sermon at a church he's worked for upwards of ten years, I will probably not be making it.
Gotta tell me how that goes, kraniac. I heard about the service Wednesday night from Jon and want to hear how today goes, too. I wish I could be there, but Ember has finals Monday and Tuesday and gas is too expensive for me to take a six-hour solo trip.

In other news, I won't be able to play as a ringer since my primary PC is down. ;_; But you all probably already knew that.
re: practice tonight...I'm out too fer Mother's day stuff (and her birthday as well, double whammy :) )

Maybe hook up midweek? I could spare some time on Wed night for an hour. The rest of the time I'll be packing for my move...
Tek7 said:
Gotta tell me how that goes, kraniac. I heard about the service Wednesday night from Jon and want to hear how today goes, too. I wish I could be there, but Ember has finals Monday and Tuesday and gas is too expensive for me to take a six-hour solo trip.
<stillofftopic> Woah, you guys are from the same general area? Coolness.</stillofftopic>
Anyway, I can probably make it to the match, but I'm not perfectly sure if that'll work out or not.
Heh, yeah, I've known Tek since he was in... oh, I don't know, eighth grade? He'll set me straight here. I have a recording of the sermon but I'm not sure about the legality of posting in on the INTARNETS for all to hear since it's probably copyrighted. However, you can hear snippets of it in my latest song, which I put up on my website today. Anyway, it was good. Ben, Elizabeth, and Geoff all came up and sang a song about him during the offering. It was a complete surprise, especially since Ben doesn't even go to our church anymore, and they got him to cry. Bwahaha. Anyway, I don't get rid of him because I still have to/get to see him at various family gatherings. I just hope he doesn't start resembling Eastman; which is to say, I hope he doesn't start looking like a hairdresser. Oh, and David offered me a ride to the convention this year but graduation is the 28th.

Wednesday is a no-go for me, I'm pretty much booked solid.
Match has been accepted for Fri, 8:30pm. Their servers are at:


Hit 'em up...
Hey guys,

Kraniac can't make tomorrow's game, James it out, so it's up to me and whoever's available. Killerah, Michael+ and dR.aNDS (if you're checking the forum now), are you available? Check your pings against the server ips above.

I ping fine, 60-80 ms.
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Mid-game report:

First Match to team WM, 55-37 on DE-Ironic. Shagz and Killerah played, played a good game. Kept even with through most of it, then they'd go on a couple of runs before we'd lock it down, but we couldn't turn the tempo in our favour.

Michael+ and Killerah are playing on DM-Rankin, 18-15 for WM at the moment...
Yeah, it was really close, but me and Michael+ played a pretty good game despite my Guild Wars addiction, and for a while I thought we would win. But alas, it was not to be. Fun game either way.
It was a good game. I was suprised that it was so close actually. We had never really played together and team work was rough. Not to mention that I was having delusions of attacking Charr during the whole game. WM played a good game though. We need to rematch sometime!, back to guild wars.

-Michael B.