Match v. DøM


New Member
Hey team, we've just been challenged again by another clan I've not heard of. I need three days this week you're available from 8:00 PM EST to 10:00 PM EST. If you have a map preference I'm open to suggestions.
If you get stuck with me as a teammate: :p

Any day is good for me except Thursday.


Bad week for me, I'm afraid. I'm available Wed, 10pm onwards and Thursday 9pm onwards. C'est ca..

Maps: no particular preference, but I'll say Campgrounds, Ironic, Rankin
I could probably be available any day at those times except for Saturday and Thursday. But Friday and Sunday work best for me.
Yea, the schedules will work out *eventually*... :p

re: TS server...ah, so it's not just me?
Okay I see the match is tonight, and I see the maps (Grendel, Antalus and Rankin).

I personally can't stand Antalus, so don't play me on that map, but I love Grendel and Rankin; so if you pick me, pick me for those maps.

Assuming we can't get our TS server back up in-time, would there be any objection to using the other server for our matches? My only concern is third-parties coming on and making noise on the mic or something. :p
James said:
Assuming we can't get our TS server back up in-time, would there be any objection to using the other server for our matches? My only concern is third-parties coming on and making noise on the mic or something. :p
Contact Hescominsoon regarding the TeamSpeak server. He should be able to provide the new IP address and create a restricted channel for the team.
SHOOT! I just remembered I can't make it friday! I'm sorry, I forgot about something I committed to that night... :(
Re: Match time... sorry I was reading the wrong list. Friday 8:30 is still fine for me.

Re: Ping...

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 51ms, Maximum = 63ms, Average = 56ms

Seems good.
Hey, good luck tonight guys, sorry I can't be there to listen in but I'm heading to Ottawa for the weekend. Good luck, God bless, and have fun!
Ok, James. You're my only hope. Since TOJ Teamspeak is still borked, get on dKc TS when it's match time, ok? Thanks.
Come on Jimmy. You know you don't suck. (Although you may have to abandon your gamepad and give the keyboard one more shot :) ). Don't get discouraged-- that won't help you at all. You can't get better unless you lose and learn from your losses. Review those demos, soldier!

Okay, the official report:

First map: DM-DE-Grendelkeep. 71 to 21 in favor of DøM. This was our choice. James is improving steadily and he learned a real lesson here about proper shield gun usage. At first it appeared that we were going to take the map, as we had early control of all three major powerups, but through joint fault we were unable to hang on. DøM was very good at sticking together in a group, and so even though they weren't able to cover as many powerups that way, whenever you fought them you were usually outnumbered. These sound tactics won them this map.

Second map: DM-Antalus. 63 to 15 in favor of DøM. This was their choice. This time they varied their strategy and split up, keeping Mize on the lightning gun hill while Tragedy roamed around, focusing on domination of the 50 shield. Lagouts hindered us and threw off our timing, but their superior sniping abilities, coupled with their constant control of the lightning gun hill, would have finished us off regardless of connection problems.

DøM is a very cordial group of people and they deserved this victory. If we have to be beaten, I'm glad it's by people like this. Also, many thanks to ::LOB:: for allowing us use of one of their TeamSpeak channels since our TeamSpeak server is BORKED.

As usual, server-side demos of both matches are available here.
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Go Team Go.
James hang in there bud. I agree with Kraniac about the gamepad. I've tried to use a gamepad and can't. It's not got what you need (fingertip access). Also you have 2 or 3 fingers tied up just holding it when you could use those fingers on another button.You need to think seriously about getting the Nostromo n52 and use it for your gamepad. If you like jumping forward program it to a key and let it jump continiously. I had programmed to continiously run-jump-shoot on one key, I just concentrated on the crosshairs. Press the key binded to start it and press it to stop. lol, I tried it on dial up and it didn't do well at all so I run my n52 without any key bindings. has it for 25.00 shipped