Marriam Grace, Future Gamer


New Member
Meet Joshua's baby girl, Marriam Grace!

Well, we finally have a photo. (Her dad is known as Recruit/Kindly Hero in-game, A Servant on the forums.) Isn't Marriam adorable?

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Joshua emailed the photo to me last night (finally!) so that I could post it. No, I didn't have a baby. You would at least have noticed a brief absence from Guild Wars on my part, believe me.
YAY another one to join the Guild Wars cause!! i am i bit confused at why MM is posting this, but what the hey! congrats! May God Bless her in the ways of Charr Slaying
i am i bit confused at why MM is posting this, but what the hey!
Because if we waited for her DAD to post it she would be two years old...It has taken THREE MONTHS for me to get THIS photo!

Wondering where A Servant has been? He's a new dad!

His wife gave birth to a baby girl on Friday, July 21. As I understand, Mom and baby are both healthy.

Marriam Grace
7 lbs. 10 oz.
20 1/4"
Marriam has a new little brother as of Friday afternoon, 2/22/08! Quite a few people were online when he made the announcement on TeamSpeak and Alliance Chat.

If you see Joshua/Kindly Hero/Monkey Stuff in game, congratulate him! And if he doesn't seem coherent, it's because he has sole care of Marriam right now. :)

And hopefully it won't take three months for us to get THIS photo. ;)

Edited to add: I chose to rez this thread instead of starting a new one because Marriam's pic is just too adorable... And I'm betting many people in the guild have never seen the photo.