Mage Armor Switch


New Member
Just wondering if this armor switch if worth it or not (it will cost a lot and take a while). Below are the base differences:

I will gain 27 stam (1 = +10 health) = +270 health
I will gain 38 hit chance (12.6 = +1%) = ~3%
I will gain 134 dmg
I will lose 38 int (1 = +15 mana) = -570 | (80 = +1% crit) = -0.45
I will lose 24 crit (22.1 = +1%) = ~1%

This does not include the extras that I would also get from the sockets which are (total of sockets between all new gear):

5 x blue socket
2 x red socket
5 x yellow socket
I would say yes, it's worth it. When figuring between specific pieces, I assume that 1 hit = 1 crit = 1 dmg.

Picking up 3% hit will be huge, especially when coupled with 134 additional damage. yes, you'll lose some mana & crit, but you can make quite a bit of it up over the 12 sockets that you'll gain.
Thanks for your input Durruck, what you say makes sense and I shall start the journey to get the mats :D
I'd say 1 hit = 1 crit = 0.8 dmg, considering the equivalent gems are 8 hit, 8 hit, 9 dmg (for the blues, and 6/6/7 for the greens).

When it comes to raiding, more and more classes are finding that two sets of gear are quite helpful; for my mage, I use my crit set for trash and my hit set for bosses.

My 2cp.
Indeed, this applies to many classes and roles:

My Protection Paladin, for example, wears maximum-mitigation gear for bosses, but less mitigation and more spell damage for trash.

Many healers I know max out mana regeneration at the expense of (some but not terribly much) +heal for bosses, but go the opposite route for trash. on and so forth. :)