
New Member
Anyone watched it? I'm hooked. Never seen it before. Heard of it, just didn't watch it. But I'm so DANG HOOKED ON IT. It's the best show ever. Literally. AND I'm only on Episode 14 of Season 1.
Funny story about Lost, I was in Hawaii the summer before Season 1. My wife and I were driving on the south side of the island which is mostly deserted. We end up driving by this beach with a huge burnt out carcass of a 747 half in the water, complete with all the debris expected with a plane crash. (Jet engines, luggage, food carts, etc, etc) For about 10 seconds i was thinking "Are we the first people on the scene? Do I need to call 911?" Then we saw a security guard who told us it was some new TV show called "Lost".
Hahahah, nice Tree.

My wife and I just started watching the final season, as it just went to instant play on Netflix. So far, it is awesome. Great show.
I watched the whole show and loved it to pieces. You are in for one wild ride. Wish I could do it over again for the first time!
Funny story about Lost, I was in Hawaii the summer before Season 1. My wife and I were driving on the south side of the island which is mostly deserted. We end up driving by this beach with a huge burnt out carcass of a 747 half in the water, complete with all the debris expected with a plane crash. (Jet engines, luggage, food carts, etc, etc) For about 10 seconds i was thinking "Are we the first people on the scene? Do I need to call 911?" Then we saw a security guard who told us it was some new TV show called "Lost".

Lol, awesome. My mom wouldve called the police. She hates shows like LOST with a passion. It just creeps her out and she's afraid to ride in airplanes. But, so am I. Lost makes my fear worse : P but i cant stop watching it.
Hahahah, nice Tree.

My wife and I just started watching the final season, as it just went to instant play on Netflix. So far, it is awesome. Great show.

That's exactly why I started watching it. I wasn't about to spend money on a TV show I haven't watched before that each season was like $40. Thank God for netflix! lol
I watched the whole show and loved it to pieces. You are in for one wild ride. Wish I could do it over again for the first time!

It really is great, so far. I was kinda skeptical at first, because of the blood. I'm not a big "Blood" fan. There's only so much i can take.. (Had to turn off Cloverfield after a certain part the people who have seen it could understand. After the subway scene...?) But I'm getting more and more being able to handle it. I just watched the episode where Boone & Shannon's backstory is showed. It was alot of blood, but not too much for me, so im getting better. My favorite character by far is probably Hurley. I really like Jack & Kate too. Getting kinda tired of the Jack & Kate thing. Even though Sawyer is a jerk, I like him and Kate better.
I watched it from the beginging.. every episode... they day it was aired.... until the last episode...

The channel was messed up and we had horrible chicklets all over the screen and then it kept pausing and skipping a couple minutes at a time.. so I turned it off... watched it online the next day...

I felt a bit like favre missing his first game... was so sad..

But I have been a lost fanboy for a very long time...

a very very long time...
:( lol its not funny! I do think they're better than jack and kate! lol.Agh....Boone dies!?!?!?!!?!?!??!!?
Just wait... Sawyer might yet be your favorite character in the series....

that is.. if he lives till the end :-D