Lord of The Rings

[b said:
Quote[/b] ] thought maybe you just started hanging out in the TribForce forums.
Nah, I was just being a bad boy and went into 'lurk-only' mode for awhile. Life gets *real* busy for me sometimes and I have to make sure I keep on top of things.

Aaaahhh it's good to be back. ;)

I think LOTR has to be some of the best modern film making I have ever seen. Plus I'm a big fan. I'm fortunate because my kids beg me to read them out loud to them, so I can satisfy that inner Tolkein need any time. I also have the trilogy and the hobbit on tape, just acquired rather recently.

When I read it out loud to them, I always animate the voices, so it was pretty amusing to me, when they heard Bilbo and co. Smaug, etc and said, "Hey, that's not what they sound like, Daddy, I like your voices better" *huge ego boost* LOL.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Does anyone else watch the special features?
Mmmmmmmm special features...
You are mistaken...it's the other way around.  It was Tolkien that led Lewis to Christ.

 Just got TTT in the mail yesterday and watched it last night.  My mind is still numb from the awesome greatness of these movies (and books).
yes...somehow both the hobbit and lotr slipped through my voracious reading years and i had to binge-read all 4/2 depending what edition you get hold of before the first movie.....that was quite a crunch !! .... in any event .... I agree that they are as movies extremely stunning.....