Looking for replays or videos of skilled Zerg players winning

I'm somewhat embarrassed to share this with you bc I played so poorly, but this zerg I think had a really good build. I was shocked at how quickly he got speedlings, and he uber tricked me by not going roaches. Enjoy.
Here's a replay with LiqiudTLO as zerg. I enjoyed day[9]'s commentary on this match so much that I scoured the Internets to find the real SC2 replay so I could look closer at the build order. LiquidTLO moves too fast for me to copy this, but he has a good roach rush that even comes out in time to stop an early bunker attack. Plus, there's just a lot of simple things to learn, like the importance of spreading creep.

Dimaga vs Morrow (zerg vs terran)
*both are ranked within top10

saw this live today during Go4sc2 Cup #26
If this is indeed the first game they played. it's an epic battle you do not want to miss out on! :)


Check - korean player (basically a one based build with extreme aggression) I hear a lot of korean players play in similar fashion. Definitely a fun watch

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oh, I didn't know I could approve them lol how do I approve them?
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I suggest the GSL finals, but I don't know if i'm allowed to post a torrent
BitTorrent in and of itself isn't illegal. (Actually, BitTorrent is an excellent protocol with many useful legitimate uses. BT just gets a bad rap because of piracy.) As long as the torrent file doesn't point to an illegal or inappropriate download (or illegal or inappropriate download sites, like a certain bay of pirates) and you clearly label it as a torrent, I don't have any issue with users posting links to torrents.
"Just got done watching those replays. good games Jam." - inkelis

thanks :)

I've been doing well the past few days, 12-1 over my last 13 solos. Up to diamond 14~