Looking for Christian Corporation to join in Eve Online

Hi, my friend and I are looking for a Christian Corporation to join in Eve Online. Does anybody know of any?

I have been playing for a about a year and half. There are a couple of Christian corps out there in EVE. One has attempted to form a small alliance. Some of the Christians have no intention of coming together as a group, while others are all for it.

At any rate, if you are a Christian in Eve, please join the following chat channel: Christian Public Access. It has been around since way before I joined Eve. There are usually a few or more in the channel who are friendly and willing to help, too.

Feel free to message me in game. My player name is Monklon.
Huh, I had found an archived thread in ToJ about Christian EVE corps, but I didn't see this one. I have created a channel RisenLord, but if this channel still exists then I will just join it.
O.o Tread Necromancy!

You may want to contact someone from Ark of the Covenant [COV] alliance. Tribe of Judah has a public chat channel called TribeJ and a couple people from COV hang out there every now and then.
O.o Tread Necromancy!
Thread Resurrection! ;)
You may want to contact someone from Ark of the Covenant [COV] alliance. Tribe of Judah has a public chat channel called TribeJ and a couple people from COV hang out there every now and then.
I realize that getting people together in a corp based on a RL thing such as faith is hard when their in-game goals probably don't all line up. (wh, pvp, pve, mining/industry, etc) I'll ask in the recruitment eve-o forum for any info, see what I come up with. Next time I'm in-game I'll look them up.

I have been playing for a about a year and half. There are a couple of Christian corps out there in EVE. One has attempted to form a small alliance. Some of the Christians have no intention of coming together as a group, while others are all for it.

At any rate, if you are a Christian in Eve, please join the following chat channel: Christian Public Access. It has been around since way before I joined Eve. There are usually a few or more in the channel who are friendly and willing to help, too.

Feel free to message me in game. My player name is Monklon.

Say, I know you :)
How big is "last endeavor llc?" I stopped playing Eve Online due to the toxicity but would come back if there's a decent Christian guild (or at least relatively non-toxic and somewhat family-friendly....lol)
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300+ members, not sure how Christian they are. Nothing in the Bio that points to that. But, TBH, Christianity is rather vilified in Eve.

Also, you called a group in Eve a "guild", they are Corps. Make me wonder if you ever actually played.
Hi CowRocket,
I played every day from January until sometime in July. I mostly did missions and asteroid farming. I did everything solo so it got boring. Guild Wars 2 has kept me playing because I'm in a couple of awesome guilds (one Christian, one not), so there are usually people to play with. I missed that aspect of gaming while I was playing Eve so I eventually stopped.
I apologize for calling a corp a guild. I'm used to calling player game organizations a guild, but you are correct that the proper name is corporation. I'm in someone's personal corp for his alt but his main is in Dreddit. I thought about joining that corp but I fear toxicity. Agavon reached out to me via the in-game mail after I messaged him. His corp seems promising. It's not a Christian corp but it's relatively non-toxic. I haven't made up my mind. My subscription ends in a week or two.
I just realize that my last post came off as kinda mean, sorry about that.

Ive been playing for almost 11 years now, Eve is dear to me. If your other option doenst work out feel free to look me up. I log on almost everyday, run a very small and quiet hisec corp in Domain region. You may find my 15 character mining fleet chewing up a moon. I can teach you the ways to be space rich, if you have the time. :D
I will definitely look you up the next time I log in. I'm hoping I have time this weekend. I'll probably extend my sub which expires in 3 or 4 days I think. I usually do 3-month increments.
I've been wanting to learn moon harvesting. I think I had queued up the proper skills for it before I stopped playing as often. I should be able to get into the Domain region. It's Amarr if I remember correctly, which is allied with the Caldari. I love the look of Amarr ships! I've tried not to make any faction mad against me so generally avoid the military missions...lol.I have 3 other accounts with a toon from each faction, but the Caldari is the main. Aleron Trajan is my main toon's name.
By the way, does anyone know if that Christian Public Access channel is still active? It's still joinable but requires a password.
Hey Fam,
It seems there is an opportunity on EVE to make a Christian Corp if I'm reading right.
I have been playing just over 2 yrs now and have become pretty tired of not being able to run into a fellow believer. I would be interested in starting up a Christian Corp.
I do stream occasionally.
EVE Online: assisting new players with learning the game and helping them with isk and fitted frigates if needed. Play style - PvE mostly, some exploration and PvP. Will be learning and getting into Planitary Industry soon. :)
Bellwright: Have built up to T2.5 several times. Keep restarting. lol
Medieval Dynasty: Have gotten to years 8 several times, also restart. Once my City is self sustaining I become bored and start over.
War Thunder: 3 accts. Only tanks - T1, T2, and T3. I prefer the WWII era tanks.
Green Hell: Really Enjoyed this when I played it, was put off when they started adding intriquit tree houses and lifts
Star Trek Online: played for 8 years - presently 7 characters of diff faction species.
Have been thinking of getting Sengoku Dynasty and Manor Lords
Anticipating - Dune: Awakening and Wild West Dynasty releases
Discontinued: Gloria Victis - This was an amazing Mevieval PvE-PvP. The Castle/Stronghold Sieges were very realistic.
Anyway .... I would be very interested in forming up a Christian Corp on EVE. I would need at least 11 other players to kick it off tho. Hey it's how all Christianity began. :)
Hey Fam,
It seems there is an opportunity on EVE to make a Christian Corp if I'm reading right.
DeezGodStoreez, welcome to the CGA Forums!

This thread originated in 2009 and most of the posts are from 2019, but there may still be interest in an EVE Online Christian corp out there today. I've shared a link to your post with our Discord server and asked if any of our EVE players would be interested.