Lookie what I found.

Nice! I'll wait for the Top Gear review before passing judgement, but if that were to FALL off a truck... I'd sure take it for a spin *cough* joyride!
It was delivered to us today for someone to drive to Nopi Nationals. Sticker is about $640,000. Pocket change!
WoW it is Yellow right or Red Cause i thought it was red is that goblits car
Watch out Odale Goblit has come to find you
That's quite a few. I don't even text that much...then again I get yelled at by my mom when I do cuz they charge us for each text...in or out. =\
In England, its all about the text. Man, you should see my sister in law text...20 in a 3 minute span!!!
I got my cell bill yesterday. 170 texts in 28 days. I am not that good of a spammer. But I do have a treo with a full key board so i can go quickly. I also have unlimited texted messages due to a daughter.