LoL summoners names...

Welcome aboard! We love to play all levels. Some of us have low level (smurf) accounts that we can join you in, or the brave invite you in for a high level game and help you line 'trial by fire' style...
Welcome aboard! We love to play all levels. Some of us have low level (smurf) accounts that we can join you in, or the brave invite you in for a high level game and help you line 'trial by fire' style...

These kinds of games are always trial by fire, but hopefully that doesn't discourage.
These kinds of games are always trial by fire, but hopefully that doesn't discourage.
It depends on who you play with. If you can arrange an in-house game (5v5 or 3v3, all ToJ members), you shouldn't have to deal with any angsty players. There's still the issue of feeling like you're "behind the curve" (or maybe I'm just speaking from my own experience), but the guys in ToJ have been very patient with me even when I wasn't very patient with myself.

I'm not looking to take the game super seriously just yet (gaming ADD tends to prevent that), but I am enjoying MOBAs more than I used to. Would like to play with others from here. :) Just be warned that I'm still very green at the game.

I'll be posting shortly in the Introduction thread, but I wanted to get my name out here first. I'm a casual player of League and the new SMITE game by Hi-Rez. If anyone wants to add me to the list I'd really appreciate it.

Part Time Player in both games. :)
Hey, I wanted to put my name in here.

I unfortunately play in spurts, but I am in one right now, and would love to game with other people.

My LoL name is Lelden.

Anyone can feel free to hit me up or invite me. I do mostly play casually, but i do like to strategize and win but also like to have fun.
Hey all!

Here's my summoner name:


I've been on this forum on and off since '05 (Guild Wars :). I'm excited to play with y'all again.