Live Free or Die

read this and agree, thats why I didnt vote for obama and knew this was coming if he got elected.
The difficulty is this: There is no middle ground anymore. Intolerance seems to be the norm. Whether you're on the Right calling the Left "Socialist, Communist, or Marxist"... or on the Left calling the Right "old fashioned, hypocritical, or judgmental", there has been a sharp decline in the willingness to see that both sides have valid points to the same disagreement.

The hot-spot in political debates at the moment is health care. The left says that everyone deserves equal provisions at the cost of the whole. The right says you should get basic provisions unless you earn more. What both sides fail to address is the significant waste in the current system, that both of the current (US) government-run health care systems don't work, forcing both our veterans (who have put their lives and health on the life for our freedoms) and our elderly (who worked for 30+ years to earn their entitlement programs) into finding other ways to pay for the medications, trips to the doctor, or "elective" procedures.

It's amazing to me how badly our Veteran's Affairs is run. I work with at least 13 people (out of 39 total employees) that are former military. Not a single one of them goes through the VA for their care. They all use private insurance because they get better care. Read the papers. The media wants to push the President's plan, then bash the VA for terrible conditions and blast Medicare for being underfunded and out-of-date on the very next page.

Do we really want to push this same system onto everyone? If this system is so great, why are the policy-makers on the right voting against it completely, and the policy-makers on the left voting to give it to everyone but themselves? Why are government officials from other countries with state-run, single-payer health care systems coming to the US to get treatment rather than waiting in line within their home countries?

And then to have the White House asking the nation to report people who disagree with the President's plan? What happened to Free Speech?

But then you have the right blasting the President's plan because they say it will create "Death Squads". The left are pushing for people to carefully consider end-of-life care decisions such as Hospice, Advanced Directives, and Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders, which allow patients and their families to make informed decisions about providing care to terminally ill patients.

Most disturbing out of all of this is that there was a (nearly) 1100-page document that outlined all of this that was created and passed without being read by the people that were voting on it. I'm not simple enough to think that our leaders read each and every word of bills they pass, but to have no idea what a document of that size contains? That borders on criminal negligence! This is the care, health, and lives of millions of Americans at stake. At least act like you care if I live or die.

My point is this: Neither side has it all right. Nor is there a way to please every person on health care.

So pick another topic. How about the Freedom of Choice Act? It sounds nice. It makes it sound like every woman has a choice in whether or not her unborn child lives.... for convenience. Late-term abortions would be okay (these are the children that if delivered, would be able to survive and lead full, normal lives). This act also makes it so doctors and nurses that have an aversion to performing abortions due to personal beliefs...would no longer have a choice. Some freedom of choice that gives us. That makes elective abortions state-funded. That IS a death squad. That puts the burden on the US lawmakers - they have agreed to murder tens of thousands of innocent babies every day...for money. Go look who supports this bill if you don't already know.

Fortunately, the President has not followed through with his previous promise to sign immediately upon entering the White House.

I could go on and on (as if I haven't typed enough). Crime, Immigration, Education, Finance, Housing....

Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot​