Leveling tips?


New Member
I am trying to get my dwarf hunter to 55 so I can try out a Death Knight. I just got wrath of the lich King and would like to see the new areas and all of that. Anyway I was wondering where the best place would be to level a level 47 hunter. I am doing some quests in the searing gorge, but there aren't a whole lot that are my level right now. I did a bunch in Gadgetzan as well. Thanks for your imput :D God bless you all!

Amber (Ellamay)
Some of theses zones are slightly higher then you are but are included to give you a progression map:

For level 47:

Azshara: 45-55
Felwood: 48-55
Feralas: 45-50
Unguro Crater: 48-55
Tanaris: 40-50
The Blasted Lands: 45-55
Searing gorge: 43-50
Burning Steppes: 50-58
The Hinterlands: 40-50
Western Plaguelands: 51-58


Zul'Farak: 43-54
Maraudan: 40-58
Uldaman: 35-52
The Temple of AtalHakkar (Sunken Temple): 44-60
Blackrock Depths: 48-60

And here is a map to help you find those places :)