Let me Introduce Myself...


New Member
Hey Everyone!

Hopefully by now you've all seen me hanging out in /g as I've been working to level to 80. I thought it was about time to tell you guys a little about myself and officially add myself to our online forums.

I'm a 23 y/o guy working as a freelance designer in North Carolina. The past several years the Lord has been really putting me in situations which have brought me closer and closer to him. Last December I retired an 80 paladin tank that had been taking up too much time away from my real life activities. I was guild lead of a high-end raiding guild, main tank, and raid leader and felt obligated to ensure I was available at all times. When I flew home to visit family over the holidays I decided I was going to start from scratch playing a character with less play-time obligation; and more importantly, find an online community that I could be more open with about my growing faith.

I've been in <Redeemed> now for about a month and have been really happy here. Over the next couple of weeks I'm going to be heading into Northrend and starting to make appearances on vent. I can't wait to get to know y'all a bit better and get involved in more of our guild's higher-level activities.

Thanks for making this guild such a great community, and letting me be part of it!

- Caedence A.K.A. "Cad"
Glad you've decided to join our guild Cad! We're thrilled to have you and look forward to having more opportunities to play alongside you!

One of the great things about Redeemed is that we will never ask people to have some sort of mandatory attendance. Spend as much time as you think is healthy for you and your family. I have a wife and 4 kids and I make it a big priority that they never feel that the game is more important then them. I look forward to seeing you in game :)

BTW, what did you decide to roll this time around?