Legendary Wepons

Prophet Elhanan

New Member

Some pretty cool skins. I like the sword and FSP Shield.


30 Gold
250 Dungeon Tokens (13 Dungeon Runs*)
200 Skill points


*Note: The author corrects the axe as being the Ele summoned weapon and the skins are pulled from .DAT files so they are not exact, just representations.*
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I'm hoping they'll have some other skins available by the time I'm able to actually grind out the various components. Some look pretty cool, but that kudzu staff doesn't really "go" with my necromancer.

I figure some people wanting to be first to have some of these will spell out the stats as well. I think the ranges for the dungeon versions of weapons are out, but I don't know if an actual level 80 max weapon stats have been shown or not. At this point, I've almost started avoiding some gw2 specifics just so I can discover them for myself. Less than 2 weeks til early launch, and all I've got are some race/profession combos, with 2 of those still subject to change.
kudzu is a bow :P

and the stats probably wont be better than what you can get elsewhere, theyre just going to look really cool

and those skins arent a good representation of what theyll look like in game, take the swords sunrise/twilight for example. theyre going to look like youre holding a piece of the sky in your hands. and that axe isnt a legendary weapon lol, its an elementalist spell, so whoever got these images might not be the best source to turn to for information :P
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30 Gold
250 Dungeon Tokens (13 Dungeon Runs*)
200 Skill points

its actually going to cost quite a bit more than this:
a)10 gold each for 3 recipes(the legendary itself and 2 crafting recipes that require 400 in two different crafts)
b)200 skill points for the bloodstone shard
so you had those two parts right, but
c)those crafting recipes generally require about 250 (or 5 of a rare mat) each of 4 different high level crafting mats (ores, etc). some require 250 tokens + 3 types of mats instead.
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Maybe I'm just confusing which is the *max* stat weapon(s) between exotic, legendary, and the mention of a "mystic" rarity.

Can't find it readily, but I thought that exotic didn't have max stats necessarily.
in terms of rarity its legendary > exotic > masterwork > fine > basic, masterwork (or maybe exotic, people dont seem sure)and above all have max stats, exotic and legendary are just cosmetic ugrades

its possible theres another rarity beyond legendary, "mystic," but i think thats just people getting confused by the mystic forge.
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I had seen mystic listed as a rarity on the wiki, but no other reference as to how to get something of that rarity, or even what it applied to.

It's certainly possible that the legendary stuff got combined with mystic in the idea of the forge, where legendaries would have previously been drops. No telling really...
the problem with data mining is that people see words or phrases and jump to conclusions. as far as i know, no dev ever mentioned a mystic rarity, im almost 100% positive someone saw a reference in the game files to either the mystic forge or a mystic chest and assumed it was a tier of items.

But the important thing, in regards to legendary weapons, is that there will be NO advantage to having a legendary, its purely cosmetic. At least not stats-wise, if you can scare people with your brony bow, more power to you :P