Legacy System


Tribe of Judah Star Wars: The Old Republic Sith Em
Here's an interesting topic I found through the dev tracker:


So it looks like Bioware is using this as an extra incentive to level more than one character. I was already planning on doing that, but this gives even more reason to do so. I just hope that they handle the eventual reward system that they talked about well. Give out cool rewards for higher legacy levels, but don't make it stuff that has an impact on how powerful a character is.
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Hmm neat idea, but I DON'T like that I have to rush to end of chapter 1 in order to reserve my surnam (I have a fairly common one I have always used across games). Competing with millions of people for a surname is FTL
That part will be kind of lame, but the overall idea is cool. My problem is that now I have to figure out what name I'm going to use...
Hmm neat idea, but I DON'T like that I have to rush to end of chapter 1 in order to reserve my surnam (I have a fairly common one I have always used across games). Competing with millions of people for a surname is FTL

It's per server, so hopefully that will increase your chances. I'm not attached to one so I'm going to take my time, and if it's available, I'll be happy!
It's per server, so hopefully that will increase your chances. I'm not attached to one so I'm going to take my time, and if it's available, I'll be happy!

Hmm. They clarified that since I posted. It originally sounded like this would be across all servers.
So, surnames are one per? That doesn't even make since...so there are no families...what the... ???