Legacy of Elijah Server Discussion

Server for LoE

  • Gate of Madness

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Isle of Janthir

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Crystal Desert

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Magumma

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Henge of Denravi

    Votes: 7 70.0%

  • Total voters
I just saw a site that I think will be useful as we work on choosing our server:


This is the easiest to navigate and most thorough site I have seen for guild and server info so far. Assuming they keep it up to date, this will be a great resource. If the rest of you have already seen it, ignore me. If not, enjoy!
If that is correct (IF) then Rall is going to be crowded, in which case I still lean towards Henge, but withholding vote until closer to time and more data available.
Thanks for that website link. Going by the number of guilds on a particular server, I WAS happy to see Rall only had a few guilds. Then I looked at their numbers in their respective guilds. Gaiscioch has 3400 people in that guild! That's HUGE!
And with a 500 member cap on guilds, they'll have to splinter their group in "sister" guilds (like Gaiscioch South or Gaiscioch East or whatever).

So yeah, I think Sanctum of Rall is going to be out. :(
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Are you sure that 3400 is in the GW2 chapter? Gaiscioch is a multi gaming clan just like ToJ/CGA. If that is their total membership, that would be like saying LOE is a 2336 member guild.
Thanks for that website link. Going by the number of guilds on a particular server, I WAS happy to see Rall only had a few guilds. Then I looked at their numbers in their respective guilds. Gaiscioch has 3400 people in that guild! That's HUGE!
And with a 500 member cap on guilds, they'll have to splinter their group in "sister" guilds (like Gaiscioch South or Gaiscioch East or whatever). @Ewoksrule, that's what the website lists.

So yeah, I think Sanctum of Rall is going to be out. :(

Gates of Madness doesn't look appealing (700 already). Isle of Janthir has a guild using profanity in their name (and its rumored to be an unofficial Spanish server). Crystal Desert has Team Legacy (a very serious PvP guild). Yak's Bend has the LaZy Nation (at least, that's the rumor though its not listed on this website). Maguuma server has the Goon Squad (which I knew them in another game to be foul, profane, and generally not a nice group to be around).

So that leaves Henge. The guilds listed total only up to about 100 people. I know nothing about those guilds listed. So I would have to go with Henge as the next best option.
I checked their site, they only have 25 members of 3400 on the general site that replied to the Roll Call for GW2. I am sure its just like CGA where we have 2336 members and about 40 will be there for gw2 launch.
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Gaiscioch according to their website only has 992 active members and only 353 in their GW2 chapter. I think it will still be a viable server for us, and plus they, being the biggest guild registered so far, seem to have some of the same values we hold dear. They also seem to be active in PvP which may help the server to be competitive.
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Alright, seeing that the consensus is to wait for more information, I have renamed the thread and this can serve more as a discussion rather than a definitive poll. Unfortunately I cannot delete the poll, so just ignore it and once we get to a place where it's needed I'll create another thread.

It seems like Sanctum of Rall is the popular choice for now, provided that the population isn't full. Other than maybe some of the servers that has Reddit or other big names, I wouldn't worry too much about the actual number of players. Even if Gaiscioch has 3400 GW2 players, servers can hold MUCH more than that. While they might be the single largest demographic, they will not force a server to be inhabitable by other guilds. If Rall is where we want to be we can make it happen.
Gaiscioch seems like a pretty cool guild, its nice to be on a server next to a group of people that share similar values. One thing that really deterred me when I used to play WoW with Redeemed was running into almost anyone besides a guild mate because the server we were on had a LOT of unfriendly people. Of course, I'm willing to bet it doesn't get much better on other servers, but you get what I'm saying.

Besides that, Sanctum of Rall is a nice name :)
As someone else alluded to earlier, I'd love to be on a server with a guild that has someone like Lewis B or Taugrim among their members because there'd be sure to be an organized and helpful guild focused on wvw.
For those of you who don't know, you can find Taugrim's discussions and analysis here:


PS: Rumor has it that Anet is considering adding a "duel" option. It may not be ready when GW2 is released, but I wouldn't be surprised if they added it later. So if you are interested in "dueling" someone in friendly PvP, you just might get that option in the near future.
Is there a particular reason Sorrows Furnace was left out? I don't really care which server we get on but I have a couple local friends getting on SF so I wouldn't mind it if the landscape seemed good.
Obviously not an issue that should sway the guild as a whole, though.
This website might be helpful for those that like researching servers. It's the best website I've found so far that lists what guilds are where. LoE is waiting to be approved by a moderator to get on the list
I know this is stating the obvious but whatever server we chose we need to make sure everyone can get in. We don't need to have people paying gems to get into the server because it was full and they had to wait by jumping on to another server. With that being said i would go with the Henge first and the Isle of Janthir second. After looking at both worlds they seem to have good guilds. Now i did see the one guild in Janthir with the vulgar title, but we also know we will not be able to get into a 100% christian server. for me it comes down to 2 things 1-can everyone get in with no problems 2-are there going to be other people on the server to play with beside us. Whatever world we are in we will be a light in it, not only to lift up believers but also to be a light to unbelievers....
Did a little more research on Gate of Madness, don't think we want there, some of the guilds sound like they are pretty far from our purpose. Two in particular, Evil Little Things, and Godless Ones. Crystal Desert will be real a busy, and will have at least two foreign languages spoken in it, very tough to coordinate PvP like that, was in a Euro guild and even in PvX sometimes things could get interesting.

Edit: Crystal Desert also has at least one GLBT guild also, a big one, actually more of a +18 gaming community.
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Crystal Desert is likely to be the place a MAJOR American & Oceanic hardcore PvP alliance will be settling in. LotD has dominated in previous MMO's and plays well together in team-oriented strategic RvR takeovers. Most likely, guilds they are affiliated with have gone through a screening process. I voted for an suggest a similar server, because they will be matched up against similarly skilled and aggressive alliances which should translate into very healthy WvW experiences and PvP challenge had by all.

They were on Crystal Desert during beta, will most likely know for certain which server will settle in on first day of headstart, but they have a tendency to stick with their beta servers.

Ascension Alliance:
Lords of the Dead
Team Legacy
Fist of the Empire
EDGE Gaming
Boon Control

Some other PvP Alliances prepared for GW2 release:

Titan Alliance

The Sentinels

Incursion Alliance

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