League of Legends

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CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
It occurred to me that there have been several threads where League of Legends is mentioned or discussed, but there was no dedicated LoL thread in ToJ General.

Now there is!

This thread is for LoL discussion. Please post your summoner names here.

On a related note: Here's my League of Legends referral link. If any other Tribe of Judah members are considering trying out League of Legends anyway, you might as well use that link and help me score a few referral bonuses.
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First point of discussion:

I would like to play as a Champion that can do respectable ranged damage, move relatively quickly, and not be super-squishy. Does such a Champion exist?
In general or from this weeks free champ rotation?

Sivir is a great choice this week.
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check out,

karthus Ranged Caster
Zilean Ranged Caster
annie ranged caster
Morgana ranged, caster
Kog'Maw Damage per second physical
Ezreal Ranged Caster/Damage per second physical
you may also want to try teemo, he can either early game DPS, or late game ability power champion

modified February 04, added teemo
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I would add Jana to that list. She's more of a support, not going to be your DPS carry by any means, but the damage can be respectable depending on your build of her. Plus she has a lot of survivability with move speed buff, a shield, two disables, and an ult that pushes away enemies and heals.
In general or from this weeks free champ rotation?
In general. I have a little over 1000 IP so I wouldn't mind buying the "perfect" hero for my play style.

Sivir is a great choice this week.
I'll check her out.

check out,

karthus Ranged Caster
Zilean Ranged Caster
annie ranged caster
Morgana ranged, caster
Kog'Maw Damage per second physical
Ezreal Ranged Caster/Damage per second physical
you may also want to try teemo, he can either early game DPS, or late game ability power champion
Will do!

I'll probably stick with a ranged character. I like Ashe's slowing attacks (Frost Shot), but she's super-slow and super-squishy. I lost count of how many times an opposing champion closed in on me while I was retreating and two-shotted me.

I would add Jana to that list. She's more of a support, not going to be your DPS carry by any means, but the damage can be respectable depending on your build of her. Plus she has a lot of survivability with move speed buff, a shield, two disables, and an ult that pushes away enemies and heals.
I'll check out Jana too, then.

On a related note: Here's my League of Legends referral link. If any other Tribe of Judah members are considering trying out League of Legends anyway, you might as well use that link and help me score a few referral bonuses.
New point of discussion: I'm getting a tad bored playing the same two maps over and over and over. And I've only been playing LoL (well, this time around) these last 2-3 days.

Call it ADD. Call it a side effect of my love of quality custom maps. Call it qq. Either way, I don't see myself hanging around for long after trying out a few more champions.

But to those who still enjoy the game, don't let my complaint bother you. Have fun!

EDIT: Speaking of trying out new champions: I played as Sivir in a match earlier today and greatly appreciated that she was not nearly as squishy as Ashe. I missed being able to slow enemy champions, but the boomerang and ricochet attacks were rather nice. And the ultimate came in handy when minions, an ally, and I were beating on a turret.

Overall, Sivir was a tad bland, but it was nice being able to do respectable damage without an enemy champion sneezing and killing me twice.
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The main point of LoL is that every little action counts towards something. Learning all the specific intricacies of the map is very important for rated play. Being aware of all the gank and choke spots, being aware of exactly how far you can push each tower and retreat with life left. It is all a massive study of the map and each character.

It is honestly just 1 map, cause 3v3 is just lame compared to 5v5. I agree that another map or 2 would be cool for 5v5, but if you keep playing you will see how hard it is to be competitive with just the one map and the variety of toons.
They are coming out with additional maps in the future. It's no biggie to me though since as ewoksrule said, map control is quite intricate in this game. You need to know exact spacing of bushes, thicknesses of walls, etc to know where you can flash, best places for an amumu slingshot, most traveled spots to plant mines, and on and on. I don't want to have to start relearning :(

I find a champ like Sivir slightly bland as well, though a wonderful team player. She just won it for the opposite team in the game I got out of.

There's a big thing that (at least in the few games I played with you) will make the laning phase more interesting. The best field position to have is near your own tower. Because killing enemy minions quickly will push you towards the danger of ganks and the enemy tower instead of drawing you back towards your own, don't attack them! Wait until your minions have worked them down and then just go for the last hit so that you earn the gold. This little mini-game in itself can often make laning enjoyable when you don't seem to be getting anywhere. Then as soon as you are able to draw the fight back closer to your tower, call in a gank squad :)
Time for another LoL question: When does Riot update the free-to-play Champion rotation? Once a week? If so, which day?

EDIT: Nevermind. Found the answer here.
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Hey Tek, its right there.


Tek if you are looking for a champion that's not as bland as Sivir (I admit she can be bland/uneventful) you should try Veigar. He is hilarious and fun... difficult to master as well.
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Tek if you are looking for a champion that's not as bland as Sivir (I admit she can be bland/uneventful) you should try Veigar. He is hilarious and fun... difficult to master as well.
Elihu already claimed Vivi--err, Veigar.

I was going to try Zilean, but Keero already claimed him for the match I played earlier tonight.

The only free ranged (not to be confused with "free range") Champions left are Lux (ultra-squishy), Tristana (cute but also a tad dull to play), and Sona (weak attack and embarrassingly excessive cleavage). I purchased Ashe at Mostly_Harmless' prompting, but, as mentioned in previous posts, found her to be excessively squishy, which is why I started the new search for the "perfect" Champion originally.

The free Champion rotation changes Monday. I may play 1 or 2 more matches as either Sivir or Zilean before then and see who's free to play after.
Heard I missed a big TOJ custom game tonight. Hopefully that happens again so I can join!
It's been a long time since I touched League of Legends (Christmas break and workload recent months). I find it fun though I am a newbie to this MOBA game genre.

I consult Leaguecraft.com for character builds and strategy guides.

As for my main character, I play Morgana. I am all about that snaring and siphoning.
Yes, Leaguecraft has some of the best guides, and you can tell which guides are most respected by looking at their rating. I also take a look at the list of guides sticky on the strategy forum of LoL's own site since the discussion (arguments) in the comments of those threads are usually even more enlightening than the guide itself.
Looking forward to Gangplank, Sion, Corki, Galio, and Udyr, which looks like an Enhancment Shaman/Druid from WoW. :p
Quick question: Does creating a custom game, setting a password, filling the game with bots, and playing a match versus AI affect XP, IP, or any other summoner stats? I'd like to try out some of the new heroes but don't want to waste an IP boost if I win against the AI. (I have a few 4-Win IP Boosts as referral rewards.)
Okay. I think I may have found my main.

Laning with Turbo164 as Blitzcrank certainly didn't hurt. :D
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