Last nights Raid


New Member
So I have to apologize to those who were in the raid last night. My internet went down and I couldnt get back on. Really sorry about that.
Sorry. What really happened is that the hamster who runs in the little wheel which powers my Internet service died. It was very tragic and upsetting. I performed CPR in an attempt to continue raiding but it was too late. A moment of silence for Forest the Hamster please.
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The serious raider always keeps a farm of extra hampsters in case of emergency. Was this not clear when we gave out vet status?

Section III, Paragraph 6, Line 5 of the Redeemed Veteran's Solemn Oath:
Veterans will, at all times, maintain a farm of no less than 16 Hampsters trained to run in their wheels upon command. Hampster wheels will power a battery array strong enough to sufficiently power a computer and internet service for three hours.

For tips on training your hampster for optimal performance, check out this video.
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