Kid Rock is Coming to...

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Um, Just for the record, you don't need to "mention" the name Jesus or God for it to be Christian. That argument is simply wrong. With the same attitude in mind, Chronicles of Narnia and other novels by Christian authors aren't Christian at all.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Frankly i see not mention of God, jesus, the Cross, salvation..nothing to identify with Jesus and the grace we have from him. This could jsut as easily be drugs as Jesus.

It's about someone coming out of depression. I don't see how it could be drugs. Sure, you can say you're happy because you're on drugs too.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]These are definitly not Christian lyrics at all.

It's spoken towards Satan.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Same for this one. I see nothing to do with Christianity in this at all. Every "Christian Rock" group i have seen have lyrics similar to this. I am open to the possibility of a Christian rock group..but so far i have yet to see it.

There are numerous references to Bible verses and situations that occur in a Christian's life, if you care enough to look deeply. Again, you don't have to make cliche "christian" lyrics to be Christian. If that's all you expect out of music, then there are a million groups out there, rock and otherwise, that do on a regular basis.

[b said:


How is analysis discrimination? Just because you don't see things the same way as someone else doesn't mean you're discriminating.
Well said once again

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]It's spoken towards Satan.

I wonder how many songs on the Christian market today are spoken towards satan (not DH or some other metal group like that)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Marcylene @ Jan. 15 2005,4:40)]Sir, will you please reconnect the link for the email address that you gave?
Thank you in advance; I appreciate it ;)
Hrmmm..not sure why the link isn't working. I went to AFA's home page and to their archives and none of those links work either.
Anyway, just keep trying the link I guess, their website may be experiencing overload or something.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I wonder how many songs on the Christian market today are spoken towards satan (not DH or some other metal group like that)

Well, one comes to mind, Dear John Letter by Keith Green. Don't even try to tell me Green isn't Christian.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]i disagree with you Maxx..there is not a single christian reference at all. IMHO, you are simply seeing what you want it to be not what it is..what it is at best is harmless secular rock music instead of the typical anarchist or downright satanic rock music that is so prevalent these days.

You need to look at all the songs I mentioned, some are better for the example than these. You don't have to see the same thing in their lyrics, but I'm not the only one. Regardless, the band are Christians.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Also mentioning Jesus or God or salvation or any of the things that make us Christians is not cliche" it is essential

I never said it was. I meant that a lot of of Christian bands go with a cliche view on life and Christianity in their lyrics because it sells. You don't need to repeat "Praise Jesus!!!11" a dozen times to speak to Christians. We go through more than hyper-positive emotions.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (MaxX @ Jan. 16 2005,12:39)]You need to look at all the songs I mentioned, some are better for the example than these. You don't have to see the same thing in their lyrics, but I'm not the only one. Regardless, the band are Christians.
Okay, two problems with that statement.

First, you named some songs, and you can't expect us to look at all of them side by side and compare them. You gave us a sampling of DH's religion, you never told us exactly which ones to listen to in whatever order!

Second, just because the band members are Christians doesn't mean they are singing (or screaming, in most DH cases) meaningful, praise-worthy words.

And, I am curious about DH's "My Heartstrings Come Undone". I have heard this song many times on ChristianRock.Net (which I don't listen to anymore, couldn't stand it)....can you (or anyone) make the chorus of that song?

Oh, my heartstrings come undone
I will wait for you, pray for you
Before i make my final run
I will stay with you, decay with you

Notice how none of the "you"s are capitalized, so who is "you" reffering to?

How about the way they look.....what's that tell you? You know how you can look at a person, and kind of tell if they are believers. How about these men?


Okay, now to contrast, how about this guy?


Notice....he doesn't have a strange look on his face, or the tattoos on his arms (though you can't see his arms, any way)...but he has some amazing songs!

And DH's album art:


Good symbol for a Christian band

Just my thoughts
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.  II Corinthians 6:17

<a href="" target="_blank">Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss.
From victory unto victory His army shall He lead,
Till every foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed.

These guys fit right in with the metal bands!  Big bucks for giving people what they want!  I could see them saying, "Spark it up!" I don't however, see them singing praises to the LORD or trying to win others to Christ.  I am not reminded of Jesus or anything Heavenly in their lyrics, either.  I was looking at their lyrics page and the song The Gauntlet caught my eye.  There is a line that says I want mine red and black.  It brought to mind the cartoonish rendition of the enemy we all have seen, and a rock band seeing a red door they wanted to paint black.  I am sure there is some hidden meaning there that I really do not want to know about.
You guys are making some very good and thought provoking points!  It is truly a blessing to see someone taking a stand for Christ.

Speaking of which...I wonder what the writer of these lyrics stand for?  hmmm, wonder what the lyrics mean?  
<a href="" target="_blank">My hope is built on nothing lessThan Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand. </a>
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]First, you named some songs, and you can't expect us to look at all of them side by side and compare them. You gave us a sampling of DH's religion, you never told us exactly which ones to listen to in whatever order!

Yes, I can expect you to. If you're going to make an statement, you should do the research to back your claims up.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Second, just because the band members are Christians doesn't mean they are singing (or screaming, in most DH cases) meaningful, praise-worthy words.

Thank you for stating the obvious. Meaningful? I suppose it depends on who you are. Not all music has to be "praise-worthy".

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Notice how none of the "you"s are capitalized, so who is "you" reffering to?

I don't know. I'm going to go on a limb here and assume it's not God. I don't know how not referring to God in a chorus is questionable. (As a side note, the lyrics in the actual cd books are all in caps, so there's no way of actually knowing.)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]How about the way they look.....what's that tell you? You know how you can look at a person, and kind of tell if they are believers.

Somehow a band pose doesn't convince me they're non-Christians. By the way that statement is rather incorrect. There are lots of Christians that don't "look" like Christians, and many non-Christians that do. I could show a million pictures of people smiling and call them Christian, but that doesn't mean they are. And are you telling me Christians should never look serious?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Notice....he doesn't have a strange look on his face, or the tattoos on his arms (though you can't see his arms, any way)...but he has some amazing songs!

No, he looks very goofy to me actually. Tattoos? Please don't start.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Good symbol for a Christian band

Yep. Maybe you should pay closer inspection to the art.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]These guys fit right in with the metal bands! Big bucks for giving people what they want! I could see them saying, "Spark it up!" I don't however, see them singing praises to the LORD or trying to win others to Christ. I am not reminded of Jesus or anything Heavenly in their lyrics, either.

What about the hordes of Christian artists that spam the same generic positive-happy-go-lucky crap for the sake of selling more records to Christians? Many of them proved to not even BE Christian. I am reminded of Jesus and heaven by listening to their music. Maybe it's not all demure, but not everyone is the same. Some people see things through a different glass. As for trying to "win others to Christ", Jesus himself used parables and similes, which threw many people off who didn't care enough to spend the time actually thinking about what He meant. And you don't know that their music hasn't helped people spiritually.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I was looking at their lyrics page and the song The Gauntlet caught my eye. There is a line that says I want mine red and black. It brought to mind the cartoonish rendition of the enemy we all have seen, and a rock band seeing a red door they wanted to paint black. I am sure there is some hidden meaning there that I really do not want to know about.

The colloquialism "Don't judge a book by its cover" comes to my mind.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (MaxX @ Jan. 17 2005,3:32)]Thank you for stating the obvious. Meaningful? I suppose it depends on who you are. Not all music has to be "praise-worthy".
A close look at Psalm 150 makes me think that God would like us to praise Him musically.  He knows, for the Christian, it is good for the Holy Spirit within us, once again, He is Romans 8:28ing us!

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Somehow a band pose doesn't convince me they're non-Christians. By the way that statement is rather incorrect. There are lots of Christians that don't "look" like Christians, and many non-Christians that do. I could show a million pictures of people smiling and call them Christian, but that doesn't mean they are.
True, but the verse I stated earlier, it clearly tells us to be separate.  Truly, according to that verse, I think we are meant to lookactthinkfeelspeaksingeatreadwriteplayworkstudybreathe like Christians!

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Yep. Maybe you should pay closer inspection to the art.
Max, I really and truly do not mean to pick on you.  Please, pay close attention to the art...what does it make you think of?  I love art and music, but I do not see a thing Heavenly in those particular pieces.  

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]What about the hordes of Christian artists that spam the same generic positive-happy-go-lucky crap for the sake of selling more records to Christians? Many of them proved to not even BE Christian.
It is not one, single, solitary bit different!  Yet, I would be willing to pay highly for good Christian music...that would be judging it by what I think we will hear in is sadly hard music to find.  

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]"win others to Christ", Jesus himself used parables and similes, which threw many people off who didn't care enough to spend the time actually thinking about what He meant. And you don't know that their music hasn't helped people spiritually.
That is very sad.  You cannot truly compare them to the parables of Jesus.  That is a big problem with these bands.  I am sorry, I myself am only a sinner, but these guys are far, far, far, so very far removed from being a picture of Christ in any way.  In addition, consider their concerts, the music they sell...I think Jesus would be turning over some money changers tables here.  Would you not expect them to be glorifying and honoring Christ if they call themselves a "Christian" band and get paid for that title?  As for souls won through them...sorry, but I am doubtful, very doubtful.  If it were possible, that is removing our ancient landmark and looking like the world to win others, in essence, telling them there is no difference in being a Christian, or no need for change to live the Christian life.  

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]The colloquialism "Don't judge a book by its cover" comes to my mind.
God says we can know them by their fruits.  It all seems a bit worldly to me...the fact of the matter, it seems a bit of the demonic world!  

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. I John 2:5

The thing that really bothers me, is that there are so many people who look up to these guys, and they play the pied piper leading them astray.  God created Lucifer and he was very musical...I think we are blinded to the power of music in his world.
Just for the record, slander is the term given when you are defamed orally and libel is the term given when you are defamed in writing.

wolves in sheeps clothing.. music is by far one of the most influential forces in our world.... it gets in your mind and poisons it for the good, or worse.. but it simply does do that....

some argue that even listening to "just christian" music isnt the wisest thing in the world... listening to praise and worship is better... make any sense?
Off topic from the original post

I did some digging on their website and found it to be informative. It looks like they are Christians who play music. The music in and of itself does not appear to be overtly Christian. Any lyrics that require interpretation can leave room for a variety of meaning. I would think that any group composing Christian music would not want to leave any room for doubt. As a Christian, I can see where they are coming from, looking back to my pre-Christ life, I would not see them as a Christian group.

So back on topic, what does this have to do with Kid Rock... If we want to discuss the what we as Christians should listen to, maybe a post in another forum would be a good idea
[b said:
Quote[/b] ([]hescominsoon @ Jan. 17 2005,7:29)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (l33tben @ Jan. 17 2005,4:45)]well they are dissing DH's lyrics....
you're right..I am..because the lyrics are not christian.
Woah, are you saying that a 100% christian band that sounds like they have no Christian lyrics are just a 4 person un-holy mass?! I beg to differ...You shouldnt just judge them by their lyrics....Wolf in Sheeps clothing sounds like P.O.D's former guitarist marcos..he was fired/quit and begun a band of worshiping satan..thats a wolf in sheeps clothing
i learned POD is much worse..their new album has OCCULT symbols ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!!! they have the number 13 on a skull, 13 meaning death or something like that..their supposed "tribal" symbols are OCCULT, just look at the lyrics book in it..and us christians totaly took the satan symbol and made it into a "trinity" sign....look at the trinity symbol POD uses..look closely and you will see the lines on it make a circular "666" which means satan...Thom link HCS with the webiste u posted on the DH topic in religious discusion....I have lost all respect for POD
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