Kara gear / stats/ etc... (for Mage)


New Member
Just wondering what gear and/or stats a mage should have to be able to run Kara effectively?

Stuff like how much health, mana, +crit (if it matters that much), +spell dmg, any other stats that are useful.
Depends on your spec and personal ability... because that makes a huge difference.

However, general guideline of someone starting in a fresh Kara run?

I was about 500 +spell damage, 15% crit (25% fire), 6000 hp, 9000 mp... buffed only with AI and Mage Armor. +hit doesn't hurt if you have it, else you'll get a lot of resists.

Other people might have other suggestions..that's just where I was when I started.
maybe it would be helpful if a couple of the raid leaders were able to post an approximate summary of where they would like each class to be stat-wise to be coming into kara. that way up-and-comers (like myself) know what were shooting for to be effective in guild runs
*sheep Adam*

What Randy said is about right. Somewhere between 500-600 spell damage is good. Don't forget +hit. That's made a big difference in my overall dps (less resists).
It's tough to put down exact numbers - like I said, spec and playstyle means a lot more than gear in some places.

If you're spec'd for fire and all you cast is frost, it doesn't matter how good your gear is (adjust the spells to your class - the point is the same regardless).

Same thing goes for tanking, healing... if you don't choose the right buttons to mash, it doesn't matter what gear you have.

Before you try for Karazhan, do a few L70 instances (Arcatraz, Shattered Halls, Steamvault) or any heroic with a few different groups. See how you stack up against other people. Talk to the tank, healer(s), other DPS people and see if they think you preformed well enough.

Maybe I'm snobbish, but if I were doing the invites for kara, I wouldn't invite any DPS class that can't do more damage than my healing priest... by a long shot. But I think that's a fair evaluation, because I can only heal for so long before I'm out of mana. If you can't DPS down the boss in that time, we all die.

If you want to try out some instances, just let me know. I've got 3 70s and a 69 that I can take to pretty much any normal instance, plus a few heroics. I'll go along and let you know if I think you're ready for a starter (or even a progressing) Kara run.
Well I can pretty much hold 500 DPS or so right now so that's always good :) Probably work on getting my 3 Frozen Shadoweave pieces and then I'll be REALLY set to go!

Thanks for the info, helps a lot!