Just wanted to say "Hi!" to everyone



Hi everyone! I just found out CGA by doing a Google search for "Christian Gamers."

I've been a Christian for about 19 years, and I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior back in 1984 at the age of 14 (yep, that makes me 34!) I spent the first 5 years of my Christian life in a non-denom charismatic church and then spent several years in more conservative denominations. In 1996 I converted to Orthodox Christianity and I'm currently a member of a church in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America... although I'm not at all Greek

I'm a fan of mostly console games these days (Xbox & GameCube), but from time to time I'll check out some PC games if I'm really interested in them. I've been looking for a new forum to join without all the hate and sharing of destructive URLs, images, topics, etc. I hope a veteran console gamer is welcome here.
Welcome in Christ trounce. Great to have you here. I love concle games too. Started out with coleco-vission, and am now waiting for the day when i can get a Ps2. I'm also a fan of pencle and paper gaming and minitures gaming.

Take care
And God Bless
Rand NobleBlade
Welcome Trounce! I run www.ccgr.org and there's a console spin off console.ccgr.org which is run by MacDaddy (he's a Mac user not a pimp)

Hope you find the people here nice and friendly. We have some Xbox players here but I'm mostly PC

God Bless!
Welcome Trounce! Glad another Christian gamer could join all of us! If you're interested in PC games, check out Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. It's a WW2 game, and one of the best ever made, and that's not just my opinion.

I also wanna tell you this: the people here are "rock solid" in their faith from my experience, and I'm proud to be a member here.

Welcome Trounce! I hope you find this site encouraging to your faith and a great place to hang out and discuss games, vacations, weather, or whatever else.

I'm a PC player, but there are plenty of console players here as well.

Sir Ryan wrote:
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]check out Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. It's a WW2 game, and one of the best ever made, and that's not just my opinion.

Ummm, are you referring to me?
Yes! Allied Assault is one of the best FPS's ever made.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I've been looking for a new forum to join without all the hate and sharing of destructive URLs, images, topics, etc. I hope a veteran console gamer is welcome here.

battle.net wouldn't be a place you'd want to spend time in. the starcraft:broodwar community is polluted by a large population of teenagers who mouth off to everyone till the sun sets and rises. the majority are absolute sore losers that either accuse you of hacking when they lose, or use hacks themselves and gloat when they win. anything to make everyone else feel miserable while hiding behind a computer while their parents pay for their internet. since veterans like myself dislike such behaviour, my crew and i enjoy cleaning up their clocks.
midnight eastern/useast/channel katmai