just a question


Active Member
had a talk with warcraft 3 exp gamers, op cga.

How can a sin be forgiven when it cant?

Christ die for your sins, all sins.

How can you forgive/forget pray/praise the/that sin?
How about if its like worst sins of all sins?

PS: I could say my darkest sin, but either, u'd would kill me, hate me, sicken out, freak out or "use god's wraith?".
What exactly are you asking?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]How can a sin be forgiven when it cant?

Which sin can't be forgiven? The idea is supposed to be that all sins can be forgiven.

ps. God has a wraith?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]had a talk with warcraft 3 exp gamers, op cga.

How can a sin be forgiven when it cant?

Christ die for your sins, all sins.

How can you forgive/forget pray/praise the/that sin?
How about if its like worst sins of all sins?
All sins can be forgiven. Jesus does mention an unforgivenable sin, but many people think it's saying ( and believing ) that the Holy Spirit is Satan.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]And the teachers of the law who came down from Jerusalem said, “He is possessed by Beelzebub! By the prince of demons he is driving out demons.” (28) So Jesus . . . spoke to them . . . (28) I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them. (29) But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.” (30) He said this because they were saying, “He has an evil spirit.”-Mark 3:22
But if we are truly sorry, and ask Jesus to come into us, we will be forgiven.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. - 1 John 1:9
Therefor, no sin, if you are truly sorry, is unforgiveable.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
PS: I could say my darkest sin, but either, u'd would kill me, hate me, sicken out, freak out or "use god's wraith?".
"Darkest" Didn't you already say it? It's a sin, yeah, but it's not the worst sin you can ever do. Many people, even Christians, struggle with it. BTW, it's "Wrath", not "wraith", and, heh, we do not control the judgements of God.
God views all sins the same. It is no different to him if you kill someone or if you tell a white lie. Sin is sin. If you commit one sin you are guilty of all. Its a hard concept to grasp.
its more or less each sin no matter what condems us so there for they are all equal. and God forgives ALL sins no matter what corp.
Yup, once they stopped selling indulgences the whole concept of sin didn't need to come in gradients. Now it's enough to know you're a sinner without getting into the nitty gritty - because if you're not guilty you're not tithing. Or something like that. ;)
The point of it is, one sin, no matter how small, is enough to make God slam the gates of Heaven in your face.
You could be another Osama Bin Laden, and if you truelly beleived, you would be forgiven.
Or, you could be that 12-year-old who lied to his Dad about eating a cookie. It's all the same. Sin.

If one feather will break a camel's back, then it doesn't matter if you start jumping on the camel. It's back is still broken.
Do I make sense at all, here?
Corp you have said a few times now about you having done the "sin of all sins"... I dunno what you want in a response from that.

You should know by now that God sees all sins equal. Any stain on a white sheet is visible. If you dont go through Jesus you dont get into heaven.

Nothing you say will offend me..If you actually want to do something about yourself then you know how to contact me. I will be glad to talk to you. If you are trying to shock us or something... i suggest you give up. My three best freinds in church are a past paedophile, adulterer and drug addict. God restores all who come to him genuinely.

The choice is yours of course..
[b said:
Quote[/b] ](29) But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.”

Except that sin, so thats one sin that can not be forgiven, heh.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]but many people think it's saying ( and believing ) that the Holy Spirit is Satan.

Are you those people, that believe the Holy Spirit is Satan? I heard the opposite, from your kind.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]an all are covered by the blood of the lamb

Kinda evil, isn't it?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ] if you tell a white lie.

What happens if it was a black lie, if there is such thing?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
If you commit one sin you are guilty of all.

So if I lie I am guilty of murder? Or if I steal a piece of candy I'm guilty of rape?

What ever happen to be proven innocent till guilty? Kinda harsh to be guilty for a crime you didn't commit.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Now it's enough to know you're a sinner without getting into the nitty gritty - because if you're not guilty you're not tithing.

I'm not scottish or british, bud.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]no matter how small, is enough to make God slam the gates of Heaven in your face.

how small? heh, my darkest sin is not small, its big, HUGE, you should of said, "no matter how small OR big", too late, ha ha.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]the only unforgivable sin is not to accept Jesus, God's free gift

That counts 2 unforgivable sins, so there is a flaw to your, "God forgives ALL sins.."

AND, you have to accept Jesus/Christ, "God's free gift". Doesn't sound free to me.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]If you dont go through Jesus you dont get into heaven.

Umm...yeah...not that stupid.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Nothing you say will offend me..

Except for swearers and/or trashtalkers, thats gonna be annoying.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]If you are trying to shock us or something... i suggest you give up.

I already shocked 2 people that are in this Christian Community, you won't be different from them.
Which "give up", I should give up this forum, give up posting shocking true issue about me, just plain give up, OR tell the shocking true here, to this Christian Community about my Darkest Secret, "Sin of all sins.", to be shocked and horrified by what I do(Or banned for inapproriate behavior, lol).

You need to accept Jesus as Lord and savior, and believe he died on the cross for you, to be able to get into Heaven.

Why did we need Jesus, Old testament God gave instructions on what we need to do to not break His laws. If we did break His laws we would then need to sacrafice a animal for atonement. God's people repeatedly sinned to the point they could not sacrafice enough to atone and that is the importance of Jesus. He was sinnless yet He shed His blood for all. That is why we have a reference to being bathed in the blood of Jesus.

There are only two sins that I know of that will keep someone out of Heaven.

1) Blasphemy the Holy Spirit, my understanding of this is someone that Willingly and Knowingly acknowledges who and what God is and renounces Him.

2) Is recieving the number of the beast during the tribulation, I think this is tied into the the blaspheming the Holy spirit as well.

Corp, alot of us on these boards did not have a sheltered life before we became Christians. If you think what you do or have done is unforgiveable please ask us, in a non vulgar and non profain way as possible and still get your point across. I am sure many here would be happy to help you in any way we can.

corp a white lie is one that ppeople dont htink really matter like, say a person buys a pie from the store and puts it into her own baking pan and bakes then tells her husband that its a home baked pie... its still a lie but its white. kinda get it?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]If you think what you do or have done is unforgiveable please ask us, in a non vulgar and non profain way as possible and still get your point across.

I've given it some thought, and this is what I will do:

Anyone that wants to know my 'unforgiveable' secret, please e-mail me from this forum or e-mail me at corp_fox@yahoo.ca and state that you want to know.

Now, I can't say it non-vulgar and non-profain because my secret is porn, no offense everyone. But its the type of porn (no offense again), that is 'unforgiveable'. And if I say it here, Tek will give me another warning (2 boxes) or ban me from this forum.

Now, I can't be responsible for what I will tell you and what are the graphicial pictures, when you do hear and see it from me, Corpfox. If anyone here doesn't like to look and hear what I will say, dont, I repeat, dont e-mail me.

For the following people that do hear and see it, post back here and say your results about me and it, dont email it to me, or I will post it here.

Be cautious and think before you e-mail me, everyone.
It will be horrible!
Porn is not unforgiveable, no matter who or what you look at. Even many Christians struggle with it. Tek won't ban you because of that, because we are all sinners.
Im not gonna email you out of curiosity. I gave my info so you could email if you genuinely wanted to sort yourself out. I can see this isnt the case. You would rather spend time splitting peoples scentences and attacking the smallest mistake than see what they are trying to say in full.

It would be interetsing to see how many ppl have emailed you just so you can shock them. As i said. nothing can offend me. I just dont want to argue myself into the grave with somoene who is not prepared to listen.

Im sure you have a fair idea of the mechanics of christianity even though you split hairs and quotes to distort what people would believe you know. You know where i am if you want to be mature enough to talk, less to debate, less to argue.
hey man, looks like you took the first step of admitting your a sinner. Everyone is in the same boat. We are all sinners. No one is more of a sinner than anyone else. The man who God used to write a bunch of the new testament was none other than Paul. Before he was known as Paul he killed christians, that is, he had his men throw large rocks at christians untill they stopped breathing. He also threw women and children into prisons. Not your average prison like we have now. Basically a mud pit with bars around it, and no bathroom. Must have been a nasty smelling with flies and maggots everywhere. To top it all off, he was believed to be a part of the Sanhiedren(from what I remember) which was the group that Jesus spoke against his whole life, and the group that ended up crucifying Jesus. Well actually we all crucified Him through our sinning. I know people will try to throw at you a step process of becomming a christian, and thats not what I am trying to do. Like rizz said, it is hard to tell if you are genuinly interested, or looking for reasons not to be a christian. I know it is much harder, and there is a lot to sacrifice if you become a christian. If your looking for an easier life, then don't become a christian. If your looking for truth, then Jesus is the only way. -Matt. 7:7 Rev 3:20
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]You would rather spend time splitting peoples scentences and attacking the smallest mistake than see what they are trying to say in full.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]even though you split hairs and quotes to distort what people would believe you know.


[b said:
Quote[/b] ]you took the first step of admitting your a sinner.

Technicially speaking, this isn't my first step, its been my 4-5th step throughout other Christian Forums.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]it is hard to tell if you are genuinly interested, or looking for reasons not to be a christian.

When I think about it, around 1997, I made a post on Battle.net, asking for a clan/guild to join. I had 3 to choose from, 1 hacking clan, 1...well, very strict clan, the last one stunned me awhile, 1 Christian clan.

Throughout I've learn a couple things to Christianity, how to become a Christian, Salvation, that 1 Christian clan, to another, to another, to another, and finally here.

By the way, all 4 Christian clans had a relation, Channel Public Chat Christians on SC/BW/War2/War3/War3exp Battlenet, heh. But of course, now its Channel Op CGA. So, how do you think I feel to be on the same channel on battlenet for nearly 5 years, SURPRISED!
(Even though people ask me, "Why do you always keep coming back here?") Also, I kept playing on US East, since thats where the channel was/is held, even thought I'm not from the East side.

I'm between the 2 you said, Master~plan. it is hard to tell if you are genuinly interested, or looking for reasons not to be a christian.
lol. i kinda expected those quotes to appear again..

You seem like a good guy corp but its clear you are in a battle for yourself. You said yourself you are half interested and half defensive.

I dont condemn you or feel shocked at the things you have done. I cant really say anything that will change your mind on the matter so all that is left for me to do is pray.

Probably makes you feel uneasy that i will be praying that God comes and clarifies your thoughts. Whether you want to become a christian or not.. i hope that you overcome the conflict you have and at least have a clear opinion on the subject.

Hmm i forgot why i dont go into religious discussion very often..lol. im not much of a debater.