Just a heads up


New Member
Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to give a heads up, I'll be heading back to Pittsburgh from State College on June 6th; I don't have DAoC at home. And then June 12th - 24th, I have staff training for Campus Crusade for Christ, and then I'm planning to visit a friend in alifornia from June 24th to the 31st. So..... I won't be in DAoC for about two months :-/ I'm gonna miss the housing expansion and also Jazmina's return it looks like until I get back :-/

I'll still have access to the web though from computer labs and the such so I'll keep in touch on these forums.

Some random thoughts -

The last month or so has been pretty quiet on Percival for KotT, the general demoralization of Albion RvR has led many of us to pursue characters on other servers with other friends etc... (Bors - Mid, Nimue - Hib, Guinevere - Aijalon, etc., Morgan Le Fay - Camm, I think?, etc) and with Jazmina and Bled still in the process of moving, it definitely has been a more... I dunno what other word to use besides quiet.

I've been enjoying playing on Nimue as a hib, as well as playing some other games lately. However, I hope that DAoC will still remain something that I can always have fun in in the company of brothers and sisters. So I hope in the future that we'll continue to be able to game together, RvR together, and explore together!

Just my two cents. n.n
Egad! General demoralization? How so? What's been going on that has caused this tragedy? I desire to know so I can help to combat it! And this time, I have an entire army backing me up! So spill the beans buster.

Oh, and we'll miss you and pray for you. Good luck with your training and keep us posted okay?
Hurry back Pip. Sorry I haven't got to see you on as much lately.

As far as KotT goes...I think one issue was our services ended up with low attendance because Tuesdays became a bad time for several folks.

Tuesdays are now possible for me again...are we still having services? Should we make an effort to re-establish them on another night?

- Aij
Some of us kinda... left...DAoC...
I've been playing Earth and Beyond as of late. Well, actually, since the last time you all saw me. I guess I got tired of never finding anyone to group with and such.

I know Zigafus has been playing Earth and Beyond, UO, and DAoC all off and on, back and forth, and up and down.

I do miss all of you, but i missed ya'll before i even quit DAoC cause i never saw any of you when i was on.

I'll prolly end up playing DAoC again someday, since i can never stay away from good role playing for long, and no one on EnB rp's... I'm prolly the only one on the Orion server who fills in his captian's log on a daily basis, heh.

If you guys can revive everything, I may come back, I dont know.

Any-who. Keep up the Good Work. and have a good summer Pip!

Heading out now, won't be in game for a couple months, but I'll poke my head in here whenever I can.

God bless!!!!
heya Philippi

hows it going Philippi??? I know im curious to know how you are
anyway KoT is picking up now and i personally have lost most of my intrests in the hib, Nimue project (Noone ever gets on
) and i thought you would like to know how KoT is doing

p.s. hurry up and get back