Joining the Marines


New Member
I have put some serious thought into this. I want to join the Marines because of the benefits like having the military pay for school finding me a job or even helping me create my own business. Taylor, if you see this don't tell mama because I do not want to hear it from her. Anyway, I wanted to get some people's opinions on what they think of the Marines before I actually go in and take the ASVAB.
AF is cooler. ;)

But hey, if trudging around and getting up close and personal with America's enemies overseas is your kind of thing, go for it.

If you'd still like the whole routine sans the excessive pride and would like the possibility of NOT having to get up close and personal with America's enemies all the time, the Army's the way to go.

If you don't want to see anything but blue and grey for months at a time and never see the enemy, (Unless a sub from china surfaces in the middle of your fleet during exercises) go Navy.

If you like playing with fun and very expensive toys, and generally wreaking havoc from all kinds of far away and with greatly excessive firepower (if there is such a thing), and playing videogames in your off hours overseas (true story that. Pilots played various PC games over the network all the time when my dad was in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom :cool:) join the AirForce.

If you want a job where nobody but criminals really hate you, go Coast Guard.

My 2Cents.
I have a lot of respect for the Marines. One of our good friends is a ex-Marine who spent a year in Iraq 2 years ago. The stories we've heard from him have been crazy, heartwarming, and sometimes very sad and/or angering.

That said... give careful thought to what may be required of you if you enlist. Fighting wars you may or may not agree with, killing people (including women & children) either by accident or because they may endanger you, spending large amounts of time in danger and far from home... our friend never actually thought he would be required to go overseas, but he did, and he had to do some insane things. He doesn't regret it, but it DID change him in ways.

My father-in-law is also an ex-Marine, he served in Vietnam. It was bad and to this day he won't discuss his experiences with anybody. BUT... somebody has to do it and I support the men and women who do.
Just a tidbit of thought, I do support our Armed Forces. THe marines are the "Few and the proud" but they're also the "first to go, last to know" which means is the most fatal job in the military. I would encourage your reasons for joining, although look into other areas before you firmly decide.
If your really just looking for money to pay for college, then i would suggest the National Guard. Their programs and setups are alot better for those wanting to stay in school and less to see action (but that always depends on your job and training).
I hope this doesn't sound cowardly. I had considered joining the military at one point but with political control in government swapping every 8 or 4 years I felt uncomfortable not knowing who would be in charge. I believe I am capable of killing people, should the moral situation call for it. I am not however comfortable with taking orders (killing or potentially abandoning people) without having a high degree of personal trust in my commanders. Actually I am for the current Iraq war it's just things like the soldier who was told to wear a UN uniform or the continual media interference with soldiers unsettle me.

Basically only join up if you agree with what will be required of you and put all personal gain out of your decision. I strongly suggest talking to some vets who have been in the military so you can get a feel for what it will be like.

...and yes any life and death decision like this requires massive amounts of sincere prayer.
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I am going to speak my mind and if your feelings are hurt, then maybe thats a good thing.

If the only reason you want to join the Marines is so that they can pay for your school or help you with a job or start business, then don't do it.

I don't think The Mighty Gerbil is being cowardly with not serving because of the constant changes in governements. If he feels unable to serve as military personal under the possibility of a regime that he does not agree with, then it is best not to make that commitment. I think it is far more cowardly to run to Canada claiming assylum because you don't agree with a war your leaders called you to fight.

When you take that pledge as military personel, it is not a pledge for free, easy education for yourself, but a pledge to do what it take to ensure others get it before you do.

I'm sorry if this smashes in your plans Taledin but if you are unwilling to die first so that somebody else can get the education you were promised but didn't receive, then don't join the army\marines\navy\airforce. Get a night job and get through university the same way more then 75% of all university\college graduates do. No shame in that.
If the first thought that came to your mind was "what's in it for me" or "what's the easy way of doing this" which appearantly it is, then you are joining the militia for the wrong reasons.

I know that many do and those that do for selfish reasons have no business being there.

If you are not willing to die in service to your country and fellow man, then the militia, regardless of the perks, is not for you.
I'm a pacifist. I would have to file as a conscientious objector. But if you feel strongly about doing it, you should go. And by "feel strongly," I don't mean "there is good financial incentive." I mean, "I feel as though I have an ethical obligation to go" sort of feeling.
I also didn't mention (because I don't want people to think I'm crazy and stupid) but I want to fight as well. Not to see horrible things happen but because I spoke with a teacher of mine and she told me some things that fixed my perspective on the hole Hating The Military thing. I think fighting for freedom is a just cause to fight. But yes. Also I want benefits.
I have never had any interest in the military, however, I have many friends in the military, and what I have heard from them all is that they all hate people in the Marines (Pride issues), the National Guard is a joke (and they like to screw you over), and Air Force is neat, but that Active Duty Army pwns all!
As a Gator sailor i have worked with thousands of Marines and frankly the statement of Marines hating people is total...bullcrap. EVERY branch has bad apples but frankly no one branch is better than the other. Most times when folks don't like the branch they are in is either because they did not choose the right branch for their abilities and personality, they chose the wrong job in said branch, they have no self-discipline at all, or they failed to do any research and allowed themselves to be guided to the Military's needs not necessarily yours.

So let's get all the branch bashing out of here. I am a proud former member of the United States Navy. I had fun with many shipmates and had problems as well. I have worked with thousands of Marines(as we were on an it..U.S.S. Saipan LHA-2 now decommed) and the same thing. As a whole the military6 and it's members are dedicated to their jobs. If you all want to talk constructively about the military please do..but all this branch bashing(especially form some who have never served) is uncalled for and unfair. Before you cast judgment on any branch of the military..go serve..then you can talk with some intelligence of what it is to be in the military and the differences between the branches.
I have put some serious thought into this. I want to join the Marines because of the benefits like having the military pay for school finding me a job or even helping me create my own business. Taylor, if you see this don't tell mama because I do not want to hear it from her. Anyway, I wanted to get some people's opinions on what they think of the Marines before I actually go in and take the ASVAB.
go for it! However do some research. Make sure the Corps is going to work well with your personality and your abilities. The same would go for any military service.

If you do decide to join the corps let this "squid" i know there is another "jarhead" heading into the family..<G>
I have never had any interest in the military, however, I have many friends in the military, and what I have heard from them all is that they all hate people in the Marines (Pride issues), the National Guard is a joke (and they like to screw you over), and Air Force is neat, but that Active Duty Army pwns all!

thats grotesquely skewed. National guard doesnt screw you over in any way shape or form, nor are the others appropriately accurate.
thats grotesquely skewed. National guard doesnt screw you over in any way shape or form, nor are the others appropriately accurate.

My good friend was in the active duty army for 18 years, and went to the nation guard, (was a captain), they striped him of his rank, made him start over (kind of), and took away all his benefits... and I watched it happen... :(

Also, I was just repeating what I have heard from my friends in the military, not that it is what I think, but after seeing what happen to my friend in the national guard, I hate the national guard with a sorry if you supporter of it, I most certainly am not...
I've heard some things about the ntional guard doing that, however, the ones who decide to stay do, indeed, deserve any respect that we can give them.
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There are always, bad things that happen because of military/branch bureaucracy and pride and it doesn't matter which branch it is. Soldiers have died because of one or the other or both.
I could give many many examples of Army and AF bureaucratic garbage from just the story's my father has.
That kind of stuff happens no matter what the branch. I really don't think there even *should* be branches in the military. It should be one cohesive whole with 'sections'. But I digress.

Do not refuse to join a branch of the military because you've heard bad things about it, but rather go where you think your skills would be best put to use. Like to shoot and good aim? Marines/Army. Like to fly use advanced tech? AirForce
Love ships, water, boats, and really really big weapons? Navy.
Though I was looking into the Navy briefly because of their Computer Science related stuff (Intel, Security Systems, etc.)
I thought about navy. I just don't know what use I would be on a boat due to my lack of knowledge. I am smart but I do not understand paravulas and so forth. Though, I had only been taught that in my freshman year of highschool. Maybe I can go and get some colage creds and learn it. I don't know, I am still considering it. Either way I would be serving.

And I agree, one cannot judge a branch for what it had done to a small minority. The needs of the many outway the needs of the few. (in certain cases I might add)
While you most certainly already know I thought I'd be safe and mention this site has Free ASVAB tests you can practice on ...I actually didn't know what the ASVAB was having never heard of it so I had to look it up :eek:
Although I never served, I have nothing but respect for those who have and do serve. I have several friends who are former Marines (there's no such thing as an ex-Marine!), and love the fact that they chose the Corps. Others, to be sure, wish they'd chosen differently. I assume that you have done your research, but if not, know that each branch has their own 'personality'. The Marines probably have the highest sense of esprit de corps; they do more with less, and are eager to tackle the toughest jobs. As their officer to enlisted ratio is so low, you will tend to be given more responsibility earlier than with some other branches. A number of the military folks I've talked to from other branches have commented on the competence and professionalism of the Marines they've worked with. The Air Force, on the other hand, has a very high officer to enlisted ratio, but spends the most money and effort to ensure quality of life for their members. There's a reason that the other branches refer to the AF as 'country club'. That may or may not be a bad thing from your point of view. In short, I've known people from each of the five branches, and most all have been proud to have served where they did.

I'd recommend that you take the ASVAB, talk to recruiters (early in the month - don't catch them when they're scrambling to make quota!) about what jobs are available and you're qualified for (and remember that they'll train you - just because you don't know it now doesn't mean that you can't learn it!), check out some military blogs - there are some very good ones from most branches with active and helpful communities. If you need me to point you to a few, just PM me. It's a big decision, make sure you approach it carefully and responsibly, but you have my respect for being willing to serve!
Thank you very much Gerbil. Sinse I was in school when I saw that I emiled it to myself and will look into it first thing when I get home.