Jgilk is now Ohiorogue

If you'd like, you could PM SirThom, CGA's Forum Admin, with a request to merge your two accounts.

Also, you'll want to check your e-mail for a message from forums AT cgalliance DOT org and click the registration link in the e-mail so you don't have to wait for your posts to be approved by a moderator before appearing.
Glitch, or I'm an idiot.

Must be a glitch,
I changed this forum name,Ohiorogue, to my current e-mail. I did get the activation e-mail, I activated it, 3 times. I still couldn't get permission, from the forum program, to post or to see our "Members List". So, I's glad you came along and picked up the slack and made a visible again.

"If God wanted everyone to experience the sunrise He would have put it at noon." : My pastor. He likes his sleep too.
