JeTSpice launch


New Member
JeTSpice, a Christian software gaming enterprise with publisher relationships seeks programmers, artists, and people with an interest in creating video games for a profit-sharing venture.
Okay, the "professional" approach isn't working. Here's the real story: I'm a Christian game developer--kinda by accident. Over the last year, I was getting married in Kazakhstan, and had all this time and didn't speak Russian except to say, "How much is that?" With lots of spare time, I sat down to noodle around with BASIC, and ended up in a CE3K kind of obsession with this game idea. About 2 months into it, my mom called with news of a Christian gaming conference and thought that it would be a perfect industry for me to get into. Since she had no idea I was coding a game (I don't think I did, either) I took it as a sign from God, and kept going. Every time I had a huge bug, I'd stop what I was doing and spend some time with my wife. After doing so, the bug would miraculously work itself out. With the help of the Lord, I made a demo in 6 months--graphics, sound, coding, and everything. Currently it's being hosted on christ centered game reviews. ( It's called "Exegesis." I advertised on a couple mac freeware sites (because it's mac only) and got 1000 downloads in the first month. None of the reviews were good, but they all were aimed at Christianity and not at the game, so I rejoiced for the trial because the flame they gave me was endured for Christ. We flew back to the US, and prepared for the Christian gaming conference ( During the next month, I went from a registered attendee to being a speaker at two of the workshop tracks. At the conference, I met with many big industry leaders in Christian gaming. They loved the concept and talked about publishing it, pending that I supe up the graphics and add a few things to it. So, that's where I'm at, now. I don't know a thing except BASIC--no website knowledge, no C++, no nothing--so I'm going to need a lot of help. But I'm willing to share in the profits, so it can be good for somebody who is a speculator, or who wants to get their name on a published title. There's the long version of who I am and what I'm doing, up-front with no fancy ad lingo. If you want to talk to me some more about it, then PM or email me. Thanks for reading. -JeTSpice sounds interesting. I wish I could try it out but I don't have a Mac. Do you have any screenshots or anything?
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