January 31 and February 7 Events

Wizard Bihuq

New Member
Yes, I know how I said we'd be doing vanquishings on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Saturday of each month and other events on the 2nd and 4th Saturday. I also know that we vanquished this past Saturday (the fourth Saturday). Well, funny (not real) story, I had originally planned that we were going to vanquish on the fifth Saturday (the 31st) of January, but Anet graciously offered to host an event on that same Saturday. So since I'm a nice guy and as thanks for making wonderful and fun games, I went ahead and switched Saturdays of the vanquishing and the event to accommodate Anet's wishes. Thus next weekend the event is the Canthan New Year with a guest host, Anet! (Take that causality; you're not welcome here!) Talk to Stc for more details on that.

Vanquishings will resume on February 7 with the vanquishing of Deldrimor Bowl (leaving from Beacon's Perch) and possibly the vanquishing of Griffon's Mouth depending on how quick the vanquish is (I'll test it out later to see how feasible it is to do both at once). For those of you wanting to do something other than vanquishings, I'll soon put on a post requesting, well, requests for the non-vanquishing events on the 14th of February. ^_^"
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