It's a Boy!!!

How long until you think he will have him playing video games? I say 2 years and he is teaching daddy how to play.
All I have to say is OWWwwwwwwww, your poor wife! Glad she is doing well. You need to grow them a bit smaller Wall... at least at first. God bless you all and Grats !!!! WOOT!

lol! exactly what i was thinking! C-section anyone? >.<

Congrats :) Love the name!
Congrats Guys :) Make sure you enjoy your time with him. It seems like only yesterday my daughter was born and she'll be two this October.

Ok Im either too tired or newby but I can't figure out how to post a pic here...wtb help will run lowbies through rfc....

Ok Im either too tired or newby but I can't figure out how to post a pic here...wtb help will run lowbies through rfc....


Hey Wall...

So on the serious side... Have you started teaching him the Walla Giggle yet
Excellent! Children are a blessing from the Lord! When he is a teenager you will have to remind yourself about that, but it's worth it!!! Oh - not to mention at 2 am when he decides to wake everyone up due to hunger, soiled diaper, or just wanting attention! However, the blessings outweigh the problems by a whole lot!!!
baby boy

Hey man, congratz
Praise God.. i know your having a good time with your new baby.. it is such a joyous time.

enjyoy your new addition!
Grats on the new baby. My wife is a doula so I hear about birth a lot. We are excited to hear that you had a healthy baby boy!