Items offered... Pls Read


New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm new around here, but I have some items I'd like to offer to the legion before they go to the broker, I will give the name of the item and the 'bonus stats' for each (when applicable), the main stats you can look up for yourself.

Either leave a reply here if you see something you want or get in touch in game.

Justice Plate Pauldrons (Req Lvl 38)
Stats: Parry +27 HP +70
Altar Sword (Req Lvl 34)
Stats: Attack +13

Rinokero's Spear (Req Lvl 35)
Stats: Attack +14 HP +124

Fantastic Sword (Req Lvl 30)
Stats: Crit Strike +30 MP +151
Break Power I (Templar Lvl 34)
Accuracy +23

HP +65 (x3)
Vicious Mind of Pleasure (Balic Items)

Vicious Mind of Wrath (Balic Items)

Thick Balaur Skin (Balic Items)

Expert Major Weapon Flux (Expert Items)

Expert Major Accessory Flux (Expert Items)

Expert Major Armor Flux (Expert Items)
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I was hoping to just keep editing the original list, but it won't let me edit the message now. :confused: So... while I was playing tonight I got my first Gold drop! I was so happy! Unfortunately it's not something I can use, so someone can share in my happiness! :D

Here is list of new stuff for offer!!...

Soul Plate Boots (Req Lvl 32)
Stats: Physical Defense +15

Freedom Breastplate (Req Lvl 33)
Stats: Magic Resist +23 Parry +49

Update: Fantastic Sword and Descendant's Leggings have been given away and will just post screenshots of stats from now on to make things easier.
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Thank you so much for the gold leggings! ->_<- You are so generous. Hopefully I will be able to help you out some day too. : )

God bless,
Your very welcome Tina and thank you for the kind words. I'm sure there will come a time when I'll be asking if someone has something.
Okay, I'll give a few more days for the items above before I go ahead and list them on the broker.