Itemisation and Druids in 2.3


New Member
Dustwallow Marsh changes, leveling rate, Itemisation and Druids in 2.3

Dustwallow Marsh changes and leveling rate

By answering a player's thread about leveling, Nethaera gave us some hints on the incoming Dustwallow Marsh changes:

The game from 1-58 is no fun.
maybe a fix with the new expansion?

We have a few things in the works that are going to help out a bit. One of those things is that we are going to adjust the rate at which players can level. Another is that we are working on some changes for Dustwallow Marsh which should give players in that zone more to do and make leveling go quicker as well.
We'll reveal more of our plans as we get a bit closer toward actually implementing them. I just don't have a specific time table that I can give you as of yet.

What this means is that Dustwallow Marsh will get a single collection quest that you turn in and it's over. Reminds me of that wonderful single quest added to Swamp of Sorrows.

Oh, I assure you, there is more than just a singular quest being added. Detailed quests, I couldn't give you.
Perhaps I know more. Perhaps I don't. What I know that I haven't said, I can't say. What I don't know, I can't tell you. Now you need to figure out which parts I know and which I don't as of yet. ;)


Itemisation and Druids in 2.3

Itemisation across the board is due to get some love with the introduction of further content in patch 2.3 and beyond. Balance druids are particularly getting some better attention in Zul'Aman in 2.3.
As a hybrid class though, it is normal that there are times when you are sharing gear with another class.


WoR reporter