Issues, Questions, Suggestions

Server is shut down for the time being while I work on permissions again. More issues arose today that need to be taken care of.
So many issues and problems!

Very sorry to any users of the server, I am working as much as I can on this, there's a lot of problems to work out.
Permissions are still being moved but let it be known if issues persist after all is said and done the server will be down for a few days as I disconnect from the network and set the server up with it's old plugins. I really don't want that to happen but it may come down to it with all the issues occurring. I want to stay connected to ACN.
dont know if things are still down or not but it is saying i am not white listed to join the server.
dont know if things are still down or not but it is saying i am not white listed to join the server.
Taking a bit longer than expected. Waiting on Fog's green light. I'll add you to the whitelist
Whitelist is now off, if anything happens please notify me as soon as you can.
Either I am blind, not looking correctly or it's just not available but I can't seem to locate any list of commands on the forums?
Also a concern: If whitelist is removed, those with no honor or respect could do some serious damage. Just saying, they could.
Also I am curious, does my title here on the forums transfer into the server?
I don't mind being a normal player if it don't, just wondering...
Either I am blind, not looking correctly or it's just not available but I can't seem to locate any list of commands on the forums?
Also a concern: If whitelist is removed, those with no honor or respect could do some serious damage. Just saying, they could.
Also I am curious, does my title here on the forums transfer into the server?
I don't mind being a normal player if it don't, just wondering...
The whitelist system is still in place but in another form. Our whitelist consists of two roles. Restricted and Member. Members can access the main world where all registered ToJ members are, Restricted can only access their own world apart from ours. I wanted Tribe to be as inclusive as possible while incentivizing, in a way, to join via the forums.

As for a list of commands I'll get right on that for you and as for ranks, I'll be more than happy to grant you Admin Lewie. Also Moderator as a role doesn't exist, I've basically entrusted you guys with nearly all the perms, besides restart, stop, etc. Really just commands meant for console/plugin management.
If you do have any problems with permissions and the such Lewie please tell me.
Well I tried to /toj but no permissions. I did get in via the portal (after a couple tries) and do have some perms...
...Having said that, I couldn't get back via /lobby and couldn't get back to ToJ from Prism. (no permission)
Wife needed me so I had to log. Wi-Fi data off of my phone is almost at it's limit but will try again this week and after that may not be able to try again until after the 1st.
Just thought you should know...
Well I tried to /toj but no permissions. I did get in via the portal (after a couple tries) and do have some perms...
...Having said that, I couldn't get back via /lobby and couldn't get back to ToJ from Prism. (no permission)
Wife needed me so I had to log. Wi-Fi data off of my phone is almost at it's limit but will try again this week and after that may not be able to try again until after the 1st.
Just thought you should know...
Roight, alright that has to do with improper parenting and I think you not being "safed" on the network. I'll get that fixed.

Improper parenting as in parent and child ranks in LuckPerms. LP can be rather bothersome.
Um, yeah, right. Gotcha. Uh-huh. Sure.
I myself read the words, but after "has to do with" looks Greek or German to me!
I myself am actually learning all these things with my own server, and I've already gone through a bottle of Advil and two bottles of Pepto!
I trust you more than I trust my understanding of what you wrote I read! My data is almost gone off my phone so I'll have to wait a bit to try again. (Gives you a bit of time to work on this.)
Once I do, I'll let you know the outcome!
Thank You Deeply!
Um, yeah, right. Gotcha. Uh-huh. Sure.
I myself read the words, but after "has to do with" looks Greek or German to me!
I myself am actually learning all these things with my own server, and I've already gone through a bottle of Advil and two bottles of Pepto!
I trust you more than I trust my understanding of what you wrote I read! My data is almost gone off my phone so I'll have to wait a bit to try again. (Gives you a bit of time to work on this.)
Once I do, I'll let you know the outcome!
Thank You Deeply!
Heh, I get what you mean. Basically your rank was put on you incorrectly by me at first, of which removed your "safed" permissions. Being "safed" on the network means you're a trustworthy user and grants you certain permissions on the entire network.
Understood! I'm using the last .4gb of my data to log in and take care of the Daily Verse, as well as make this post!
Thank you for your time and wisdom as well as your knowledge!
Understood! I'm using the last .4gb of my data to log in and take care of the Daily Verse, as well as make this post!
Thank you for your time and wisdom as well as your knowledge!
No problem! I'm here to help as much as I can
I have data again! I gave it a shot since I have a few moments of freedom and this is the result:

I can go from /toj to /prism and back now.
I appear as a member, not a Moderator. (This may be good for proper spying LoL! "They won't know what hit them!" LoL!)
I don't have access to FreedomHQ or Creative, although this isn't an issue with my gameplay, only for moderating.
I seem to have no chatting ability? I tried /g and it goes through but no one can read it (or at least no one responded?)
I do not know what channel to actually join with /join channel so others could read my text.

That was all I could test before reality beckoned me back harshly. I am trying to actually create a schedule of some sort, but even though it's kinda hard. I can do this!
Thanks for all you done, did, will do!