Is multiplayer kind of dead?


Christian Gamers Alliance Amazon Store Manager
Staff member
I've been trying to catch up with multiplayer with people but either the game switches and i cant afford the latest or i buy the wrong games that no one wants to play, e.g. BF1943 and rockband lol, but yeah what is the trend for ps3 multiplayer?
The trends are on the big names. I still get to play Uncharted 2 online, and MW2, with with the occasional Killzone 2. There are quite a few playing Bad Company 2, but not me personally. I know what you mean though. I can't go buy every new multiplayer game the day it comes out. In fact, I'm trying to go the rest of the year without buying a $60 game. Many of the deals are online.
Midterms and PC gaming have taken my time away from the chapter. I believe most of us have Uncharted 2 and would be willing to give that a spin though.
School keeps me super busy too... But I've mostly been playing MAG online, that game is puuuurty sweet!
I think part of the problem is that even when people are playing the same games, they're not playing them at the same time. I know I tend to wait until most games drop at least to $40 before picking up, and folks might be done with them by then. Would be nice if we could start organizing some game nights, though.