Is it pride?


New Member
Doing a study in Proverbs about pride vs. humility really caused me to question all the You Tube videos I pump out. Feels like I care too much what others think. :(

What do you guys think? Are my videos prideful and boastful? Could I be doing it for the wrong reasons?
I can't speak to your motivations, but I for one have found them educational and informative. So I would say that pride isn't the only possible motivating factor in posting those.
While I can't speak to your motivations, (only God can truly know what is in a mans heart) I can speak to my observations.

I've never seen anything that would make me think you do them for personal gain, the fact you go to strides to abide by the laws (not using copyrighted music) shows you have respect.

I too find them educational/entertaining and would be sad if they stopped (that alone should be reason to keep going)

Plus i'm hoping to land a starring role, and how can meet Brad and Angelina if you stop now?

Please continue :)
Prideful? Nah. Competitive? Sure.

I know when I play TF2 sometimes I can go a bit overboard when I get a killing streak going. Or I find very lazy Spies. And I broadcast that sometimes, at least on public servers. I mean I too am like "Oh, this guy's going down. Heh, he tried to run. Silly person." But I get caught up in the excitement of the moment. I've been trying to tone that down though, as I don't want to sound proud. :/

But hey, I really enjoy the videos, and the commentary makes them fun to watch. You don't sound prideful to me, but that you're enjoying what's going on. :p
As Baddwin mentioned, it is hard to judge your intentions. I see your video, not the inentions. Sure, some people derive entertainment, some get educated and some may find a new way to make fun of somebody. Despite your own intentions, God is using it the ways God sees fit. Does this make your intentions right or wrong? No, but that is a matter between you and God.

Is pride always a thing to be avoided? Probably not. We as christians tend to think of humility as meaning we have to live our lifes with our head between our knees. This isn't true. A big part of being humble is understanding your position in life, whether it is a CEO of a fortune 500 company or the janitor for the fortune 500 company and that comes with a good portion of pride as well. One ought to take pride in a job well done and glorify God with it. Gloating it above others is where things get sticky. The CEO ought not go to the janitor and gloat about how he made the company another million dollars that day. Truth is, that new million dollar client was likely as impressed with the clean building as he was with the company.

If you feel as though your gloating, then likely you are. I'm just saying that pride is not necessarily evil or wrong, just check it out and make sure you are on the same side with God.
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A pastor once gave me advice. It went like this: we all have mixed motivations, every one of us, including pastors. Lay it before God in humility, truely seeking His heart and truely willing to change as His Spirit wills it, and then press forward boldly and speak up. God gave us ambition is what that pastor said, and we all have mixed motiviations.

1Pe 1:14-16 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy."

Just so you know - I too struggle with this.
Only you and God know your heart, bro. I think that God has blessed you with a very analytical and strategic way of thinking that shows up in your gameplay. Making videos that educate us newbs is really helpful! Just cause someone calls you 'a star' on youtube doesn't mean you are prideful! I like Pae's advice. He has a way of giving humbling advice.

Not even a comparison..but this got me thinking about the story of how Nebuchadnezzar was found guilty of pride before God because he had claimed all the fortunes and magnificent accomplishments were all 'his' doing and yet he eventually ate dirt and repented.

If interested, check out Daniel, especially chapters 1-4. Daniel praises Nebuchadnezzar by telling him all the things that God has blessed him with and then....later foretells of his fall because he needed to understand that Heaven rules. All of Daniels doings continue to humble the king but 'Neb' ultimately doesnt get it until all of his power is stripped away.

Daniel 4:32 - And they shall drive you from men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. They shall make you eat grass like oxen; and seven times shall pass over you, until you know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever He chooses.

All this to say...check your heart, stay humble and be blessed with the talent God has given you! (You can also bless others by Qing up for more scenarios with me so I can win. O wait. Did that sound prideful?)

I believe you should take pride in and enjoy what you do. If you don't, then why do it?

Clearly you enjoy what you do. :D

You must take pride in what you do in order to succeed!

Do I see your Youtube videos as showing too much pride? Absolutely not.

Edit!: I also think you can be proud of what you've accomplished yet be humble at the same time.
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