International Help


New Member
Hi guys.
I was amazed to find this Christian gamers site. Blessings.

I'm a gamer too.

I live in Mexico City, and here we got games at very high prices; does any one knows a way to get games from the US using normal USPS?

Do you know anyone who will be willing to help me with those shippings. (for example: I buy the game, [in the US of course] and send it to an address in the US, then get it send to Mexico City... is there a better way to do this?)

I'm interested in Xbox games.

Muchas gracias.
Why not get the company that you bought the game from to ship it to your address in mexico directly. And if the USPS won't do it, try UPS as they have operations down in Mexico.

Your request to get games shipped to a US address then to Mexico sounds fishy like your are trying to avoid direct exporting of merchandise from the states.
Hey thanks.
I asked about this because if I use our mail system here, you got like 85% possibilities of the packagge getting lost (happened before
) If I use UPS or FEDEX, the shipping cost its about half the price for the game. So that way the game becomes even more expensive than get it down here.
Fo example. I was trying to preorder Halo2 LE... got this answer from EBgames..."Thank you for contacting

Unfortunately, there are constraints placed on Halo 2 which prevent us
from shipping it to international addresses. In certain situations the
constraints may be removed over time, but sometimes we may never be able
to ship a product internationally."

Any sugestions?

Couple things come to mind. First, there may be export restrictions on certain technologies or Microsoft may have in its license restrictions for exporting games. That would be something to check out as this would limit a lot of companies from exporting games.

Second, although UPS is more expensive, it is insured and it is guaranteed. Every package shipped at UPS is insured for upto $100 dollars should something happen to it during the shipping process. This would cover the cost of the game and shipping costs. Plus you get the added ability of tracking the package to make sure it gets down there. (Anyone tell I work for UPS)

From what it sounds, even if you send it to someone in the states, you only have 15% chance of getting it if they mail it to you using USPS. Best bet is to use a company that doesn't rely on your countries mail services for final delivery. It will cost less in the long run.
Important For those reading this thread, you may want to help out but I would just like to put up one warning. Interstate and International shipments are investigated by the FBI and you should do research into seeing why the retailers are not able to ship it directly. It may be illegal.
Thanks for the info.
So, trying to get things clear.

I would not have a chance to preorder Halo2, because of Legal Issues on import-export. It looks like they dont even do it using UPS.

I may just have to wait to be released here in Mexico.

I dont want to do anything that is any close to illegal. I was just investigating safe shipping methods.

Thank you.
While I agree with ya Plankeye, how is that any different then him coming to the US and while in the US, pick up an XBox game. They are not going to ask him if he is planning on leaving the country with it? I might be a bit naive here but why not email them directly with the pointed question. "Hey Microsoft, can I have a nephew, brother, mother-in-law's third cousin twice removed, or my Christian bro buy this game for me and then mail to me here in Mexico?"

Don't see why that would be a problem. In fact, based on Microsoft's response, then contact UPS/Fedex and ask them the cost to ship it, if they don't have issues shipping it, then why would the FBI care? We canucks are just red necks, so like aye, whazzuppp!!
Actually there isn't to much keeping him from doing that other than the costs of coming over here. But again, I could go down to certain South American countries and pick up things that are not alowed to be imported into the states (say like drugs) and hope they don't say anything when I cross the border or arrive on a plane. Still doesn't make the action right just because I could do it.

The other thing is that it doesn't matter who is exporting the package. If something happens to it (like it getting lost or stolen), it is investigated by the FBI because it is an interstate/international package. Probably one of the first questions they would ask would be why were you sending something that may be illegal. I don't think the defense of "I met the guy on the internet in a Christian board and I didn't know it was illegal, honest mister scairy dressed in black fbi guy" will go far. Ignorance has never been an excuse for breaking the law.

So that is why I am trying to throw up some red flags. Do some research first. Find out if there are laws preventing US companies from exporting games. See if there aren't other suppliers outside of the US that could provide the game (like in Canada).

I just thought of something too. Wouldn't it be ironic if the games sold in the US were made in Mexico.
they are made in asia and i bring games over frome the states all the time and my grandma has sent me games but that is asia

That's right.
I think actualy some Xbox consoles are manufactured in Mexico.
In Guadalajara = Mariachi!!!!


I'm still trying to find out with retailers about shipping to Mexico. (Halo2 LimitedEdition)
Haven't find anything yet.
So do you really think that if I write to Microsoft asking this, they will actually answer me?
Where, to Who, which department?

Thanks all for posting.


Dios les bendiga!
I have the same problem in Australia. We can't buy a lot of things from the states because there are restrictions selling them to us.

In fact if i went to the states and bought a whole bunch of DVD's and sent them home, i can get in trouble as there needs to be an import duty paid on them. So lost revenue to the government, and also extra hassle to local sellers, probably is why they don't do it.

which is a bummer.
