Interesting challange...

*gasp* no response, GP?
Yes, patience is a Christian virtue...but, but, told me that almost a month ago! I am thinking patience until 4/3 is just too much to ask!!!
I've neglected this thread....and I will neglect it some more. And then no more. I've had to tally on this thread but tonight I'll revisit it.
One day, a blind man comes up to you. He has been blind since birth and knows nothing of what sight is. He tells you, he has heard it said that the sky is blue. He asks you to describe to him what sky is, what colour is, and to describe blue to him.

Sky is a place you will never be able to is very close to us, but yet very far away, the sky changes every day, much like each of us, the clouds that float in the sky are like giant puffy marshmellows, a soft sweet treat, each cloud formation is different, each has its own special identity that can never again be replaced, much like each of us have a special gift....The sky can be many colors, not just blue all the time. Blue is the color of the ocean, the water that cleanses a soul. Blue can also be used to describe how somebody feels. Color is also a word that means so much. Stick to your colors, colors would be your hearts desires. Color is everything you touch and everything you taste.

A person is born with sight and looses it at 25. This person was born in a remote village in Mexico. They have never seen an airplane. Describe an airplane to this person using only words or items (from around a secluded village that may not even have electricity) this person understands. Make sure to describe what the purpose of an airplane is, where it is found, what is flight, what it looks like. (the villager probably doesn't even know what steel is...)

An airplane provides travel from one place to another. It looks like a long poll with some things sticking out the side of it. An airplane is usually found in a special space, where there is a lot of room for something so big to land and take off. An airplane is soemthing that takes you away. An airplane is something that brings you home. An airplane brings yuor family to you. An airplane takes your family away...

....................waiting for challege number three................
Shyfroggy said:
....................waiting for challege number three................

If you want to make it to the altar, darlin', please don't be holdin' your breath! We should've put him on backyard restriction until this was finished! Or at THE VERY LEAST challenge #3 was complete! Anyone care to gather a backyard stomping, lynch mob with me? :cool: Please fire up the barbecue GP, we are Canada bound!
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