Ingame Fundraising


New Member
I'm looking to make more additions to the Guild Hall. Personally, I like the idea of having it be a useful place as possible. I've been going there for all my inventory sorting since we got Xunlai and Merchant.

I'm trying to collect enough coin to get the dye trader in there, as it's what I'm most often having to port around for. This costs 50k, and so far I've collected 15k. If anyone is interested, catch me in game.

I'm also keeping track of who donates what in case this falls through due to lack of interest, so I can return donations later if looks like there is a lack of interest.
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15k? I thought it was 50k? :p

anyway I think since we've got the rune trader (RUNEZ FTW!!!) we need a scroll trader then a dye trader

Thank you. That was posted not long after I had taken more pain meds.

ChickenSoup said:
15k? I thought it was 50k? :p

anyway I think since we've got the rune trader (RUNEZ FTW!!!) we need a scroll trader then a dye trader
Is it possible to get a material trader? Or do we have one of those already?

Anyways, I'd be glad to work on donating for the Guild! Though 55 mesmers don't have a reputation as the fastest of farmers!

I like dye. :D
I would be more than happy too. I would be interested in setting up a FoW farm group for this purpose and any loot from the run would go directly to the hall. I know that with shards dropping and gold/purple weapons, and other weapons/matierals we could raise some quick cash as a group. For a good FoW farm team we need

1 Tank that can take mass ammounts of damage to aggro(i dont know tank builds just yet so)
3 Monks; 2 Healing, 1 Bonder or Boon/Prot
4 Ele at least 3 with Meteor and other AoE spells, Echo Nukers work great cause they dont give the enemy chance to get up before getting the second Meteor Shower off.
1 any other damage dealer maybe a ranger (no pets)

Basically the Warrior runs into the middle and aggros the entire group calling a target close to him then the Eles hit the target with various AoE spells but need Meteor Shower , Meteor, Earthquake etc. to keep them from scattering. This will take out large groups fast.

I used this build before and cleared the entire FoW. Each person with loot and Gold leaves with at least 5-8k. And it does not take that Long.
Sumo Supreme said:
1 Tank that can take mass ammounts of damage to aggro(i dont know tank builds just yet so)
3 Monks; 2 Healing, 1 Bonder or Boon/Prot
4 Ele at least 3 with Meteor and other AoE spells, Echo Nukers work great cause they dont give the enemy chance to get up before getting the second Meteor Shower off.
1 any other damage dealer maybe a ranger (no pets)

Basically the Warrior runs into the middle and aggros the entire group calling a target close to him then the Eles hit the target with various AoE spells but need Meteor Shower , Meteor, Earthquake etc. to keep them from scattering. This will take out large groups fast.

Would a Me/E with fastcasting Aftershock help in the 8th spot? Especially if the warrior was a hammer warrior with knockdown skills. I could bring Ward Against Foes as well. I could also pack some interrupts or hex removal if necessary.

EDIT: Example Build


With this build you could 141 earth damage to all knocked down foes every 2.5 seconds, sometimes better with the specificied equipment below (roughly 58 dps)

Fast Casting 16 (12 +1 mask +3 sup rune)
Earth Magic 12

Max Damage Earth wand with 20% skill recharge.
Earth Scroll with 20% +1 earth magic
Enchanters armor for the extra energy.

Earth Attunement
Mantra of Recovery {E}
Arcane Echo
Ressurection Signet

Glyph of Lesser Energy
Power Return
Ward Against Foes

Any of the above three could be swapped out for Enchantment/Hex removal if fast casting was lowered and points added to Inspiration for better energy management.
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Would a Me/E with fastcasting Aftershock help in the 8th spot? Especially if the warrior was a hammer warrior with knockdown skills. I could bring Ward Against Foes as well. I could also pack some interrupts or hex removal if necessary.

Yea it would work. I was using my E/Me with that group build.

I was running a Double Echo Nuker Build.

it was quite effective.

here is the build below:

Fire Magic 16 (includes superior fire rune and headgear)
Energy Storage 12

Echo (elite)
Arcane Echo
Meteor Shower
Rodgorts Invocation
Fire Storm
Glyph of Sacrifice
Fire Attunement

First you hit up fire attunement, followed by echo, Meteor shower on the target, glyph of sacrifice then Echo(now Meteor shower) again instantly becuase of the glyph. then arcane echo - rodgorts - glyph - rodgorts again,

you have 2 or 3 Ele's working AoE like that and you will kill everything that is on your warrior. It is just important not to have anyone aggro except the warrior. cause that keeps all of the enemies in a group.
Halonic said:
I fail to see how a dye trader will benefit us in the guild hall.

I'm starting to rethink it too.

I suppose I'm interested in it because it's what I usually have to port around for, and I'm horrible at remember the going rates for things. Since I do all my business (that I can) in the Hall, I'd personally like to see all of them added. But it doesn't seem to be a very common goal.

Oh well :)