Impressions and Reviews

Man you played a lot of great games. EQ1 and 2 were both amazing games. Guild Wars is tons of fun and awesomesauce, City of Heroes/Villains was very entertaining, LotRO was extremely well done and beautiful, Asheron's call was legendary, Vanguard made massive improvements to become twice the game it was at launch. Man I love all those and would highly recommend the ones I listed. Of course I played all these a lot longer then a month, so I got to see way more content then you got to. Many of them just got better and better with each level. As most MMOs do, they save the best for later on.
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I have a tendency to try out almost every MMO that comes out...I still say Asheron's Call is the best...
Yeah I had a couple friends who always tried to keep me in AC but I kept getting drawn back to EQ at the time. Both were so addictive at the time, now I couldn't handle 30mins in one w/o pulling my hair out.
Ahem, moving on...

RvR, is it just say, the Dwarves vs. the Orks, or does it involve all races on one battlefield later on?
Any race be in the same guild?
Besides skills, how much can we alter the character appearance and stats? Can we reset stats if they are gimped?
With a name like Keerosene, should I go Bright Wizard? :p How does their mechanic work, with the whole destruct thing?
So far, which newbie area is better, Good or Evil side?
With the Rune Priest, how exactly does their buff mechanic work? Can you recast hour long skills, and do they stop when you log out?
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So Many questions...

1. RvR is all races in open warfare and later on. In newbie areas it is usually one race against another. However, you will see more and more of the different races as you advance. one thing to remember is each racial paring has it own RvR scenario that you can que. Whatever zone you are in is what it queues you for.

All races in a faction can be in guilds. Some do create racial guilds.

Character appearance can be changed greatly at creation and then gear can be changed with dyes as you progress. Stats cannot be reset but specialization's for Realm Rewards and for Career Specialization points can be reset.

Bright wizards are cool. They are very much the glass cannon motif, but the animations are really great with all the fire.

I much prefer Order starting sides. In order in my opinion atm- Empire, Green Skin, High Elf, Dwarf, Dark Elf, Chaos. Neither side has a great advantage over the others. Basic things are all the same. It depends on the theme you prefer and how the map feels for you as your quest around.

I believe you lose all buffs. You also can only have one buff at a time.
Icthus pretty much answered your next set of questions. I prefer Order starting sides as well. In order in my opinion atm- Dwarf, Empire, Green Skin. I had a hard time getting into the Chaos starting zone. If guildies had not of been in that zone, probably would not have went. Nothing is wrong with that zone. It is set up nice, just love the Dwarf areas.

You will find that you tend to stay in your starting area until Tier 2 really kicks off, then you start doing quests/RvR in different zones. Only problems we had last night as a group was the amount of people on the Chaos side. Scenario Q's were long and PQ's where way overcrowded. Funny thing is the Greenskin Side had people, but didn't feel overcrowded.
I have not seen a warrior priest carry anything but a mace, can they carry other weapons, can any class carry multiple different types of weapons or...?
Some can carry different types, but not many. Most carry one type slash or crush.

An engineer can carry a hammer or wrench does that count?