Important..regarding last night and today.


New Member
It appears a joyfull celebration turned into a heart breaking event last night. For those of you unaware of what happened it appears there was a wedding between Alfadar and one of our newest guild members Ishashe last night in the Camelot church. Many attended from the alliance and from camelot in general to witness the union of 2 members from our guild family bearing gifts for the happy couple. Well when I logged in today I learned that Ishashe had left Alfadar and our guild family already and had moved on to another guild and was in fact just preparing for another wedding.

I was sad for Alfadar for losing a wife so soon but with the rapid progression of the engagement and wedding i had my misgivings. I was saddened to hear a new member moved on so quickly to another family but that is to be expected on occasion. But what broke my heart the most was that gifts were given by many who were not even familiar with Ishashe but know the values we stand upon and in so wanted to assist another fine couple in their adventures together. None of these gifts were returned to the givers who had given based on a marriage that only lasted long enough for gifts to be opened. And then there was to be another another person, with more gifts.....

It broke my heart for all involved. I apologized on behalf of our guild to the alliance and offered to repay any who gave gifts. I informed the new spouse to be about the previous wedding who then was able to decide his fate with knowledge.

It appeared to be a sad and messy situation but.......

What is meant for evil God turns to good! I spoke with Isashe and expressed my sorrow in her actions. I was able to reason with her as the Bible instructs when you have ought with your brother and the Lord used the situation to open the door for me to share his word with her and share what salvation really is, and what it really means to be a christian.

The Lord touched her heart and she acknowledged she needed to make things right with those that were hurt. I guild invited her long enough to apologize to those in the alliance and the guild and to announce that she would repay those who had given gifts last night. You'll also notice her post in our forums.

I need to speak with Alfadar to be sure there will be no conflicts due to whatever transpired between them and then I will reinvite her to our guild family as she has expressed a desire to return. Please keep her in your prayers and may she grow morally and spiritually along with us.
Hi friends,

This is obviously not a good situation. And, of course I have a lot to say about it, but won't address them in a public forum. I just want to make it known that if Ishashe wants to be a member of KoT, and the guild wants to have her back as a member, then please invite her back, I have no "conflicts". Jaz, Malo, and others, I will talk to you in game when I get back to Percival.
