I'm thinking about going to church

Wrong angle

My definition of atrocities would be acts that are extremely wicked, brutal, or cruel.[/QUOTE]

And thats the problem you and many others have, its your definition of atrocities! We should see whats an atrocitie in Gods eyes, not in our own.
A grain of sand said:
My definition of atrocities would be acts that are extremely wicked, brutal, or cruel.

And thats the problem you and many others have, its your definition of atrocities! We should see whats an atrocitie in Gods eyes, not in our own.[/QUOTE]

Through the same eyes as the being that wiped out the entire world save a handful?

Through the same eyes that visited plagues upon Egypt including killing all the firstborn...meaning children and infants?

I don't know what YOU consider atrocities, but those are definately atrocities in my eyes.

Need more examples? http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/donald_morgan/atrocity.html
At first i have to say that hell was never intended for humans, hell was for the fallen angels. In the new Earth cannot be any sin because it would defile it. The choice is yours if you choose to repent your sins (the sins in Gods eyes, not in your standarts) and by the mercy of God be saved and in the end you can become righteous

Second, God made a covenant with Israel and therefore they are his people! If youd read more of the bible you should now that God gave the pharaoh a chance to free the people of Israel but he refused to let them go and worsened their work (they had to go get their own straws for the bricks without any extra time)!

Thrid, GOD IS JUST! HE CANNOT DO WRONG! Every Christian should remember that in times of trouble or if someone passes away. At the end you will know why and rejoice about it.
By that logic anyone can do anything and just claim that they're infalliable.


If murder is wrong for me then it's wrong for you and it's wrong for him and it's even wrong for HIM. If there can be extenuating circumstances then those circumstances should also be applied globally. Somebody doesn't get a free pass to commit whatever grotesqueries they feel expedient simply because "They can do no wrong."

I tend to think that people who can do no wrong should prove it by doing none, not by writing a book in which they say that any wrong they did doesn't count.
Grain, according to the definitions of JUST and WRONG that I have available to me, I would have to disagree with your statement.

Would you mind giving me your definitions of those words so that I can understand what you're talking about?

Would you also mind giving me biblical references to your assertion that hell was intended for fallen angels. Furthermore, which hell are you referring to? Sheol? Tartarus? Hades? Gehenna?

I suggest you stop suggesting people read the bible, when it is YOU that needs to read it. How many times did God harden Pharoah's heart?
Well, by hell i mean the hell in bible. Matthew 25 basicly 31-46, but you may want to read the whole Mt 25, By the fallen angels i mean satan and those who rebelled against God.

Yes He did, I am really sorry for that and i should have not said that becouse i am truely the least person to advice anyone, thank you for showing it to me :)

But for the hardening of pharaos heart was a reason Exodus 7 1-6

And i stick to it that Gods perfect and righteous
(righteous=one who does what is right; a virtuous person)

Psalm 18:30
As for God, his way is perfect;
the word of the LORD is (flawless*).
He is a shield
for all who take refuge in him.

*Depends on translation, in new king james its proven
but in nwe international version its flawless

Deuteronomy 32:4
He is the Rock, his works are perfect,
and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
upright and just is he.

*Again the words might be different in different translations but i hope u get the picture.

Geez, i wish i could read ancient hebrew and ancient greek :D

about repentance:

A grain of sand said:
Well, by hell i mean the hell in bible. Matthew 25 basicly 31-46, but you may want to read the whole Mt 25, By the fallen angels i mean satan and those who rebelled against God.

I am trying to get you to understand that you cannot just say "the hell in the Bible". There isn't just ONE hell in the Bible. Consider that a translation error. Gehenna is not the same as Sheol, just as they are not the same as Tartarus. Yet they are all translated as hell.

But for the hardening of pharaos heart was a reason Exodus 7 1-6

Now you're backpeddling. First you said Pharoah chose freely, now you said didn't, because God had a reason. Which is it?

And i stick to it that Gods perfect and righteous
(righteous=one who does what is right; a virtuous person)

In other words, God believes in the "do as I say, not as I do" philosophy, correct?
I am just trying to say that God in his righteousnes doesnt just kill people for no reason because his righteous.

Well, this seems to go wayyyy off-topic :D and we cant seem to agree on anything, so like the title of the R-discussion says, lets agree to disagree :)