I'm Pregnant!

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i just thought of a couple: Eva, Achely, Terra
Well DUH! I wanted my daughter to be named Mara Jade

an if u notice closely Nathan Christopher (my son) has a good geek reference within it as well. (5 points to whoever can come up with it! )

I also told my wife that if she had twins, their names would have to be Jacen and Jaina

I have a good friend who is female, and spells it Jesse.


Yes, anyways. I'm slightly spastic at the moment guys, sorry =\.

*lol* The people I associate the name "Lauren" with makes me laugh -_-.

Sadly, I don't know too many "good" Laurens. Maybe yours will be the exception!
Ditto Vanaze. Anyway, if it is a girl, and is like you are here, I'm know she'll be different.
nathan is greek for..... Natheniel?

Christopher if we take the root you get Christ.... and opher, isnt that a map

can i get 1 pt for trying
Do or do not. There is no try.

Nathan is actually a Hebrew name. OT prophet. Christopher is Catholic Saint.
But I said GEEK reference, not GREEK reference
what bout Elihu?? biblical name that sounds geeky to me
Jay didn't like Lauren so the search for a middle name continues...considering Evelyn, Elise, Lynn ugh I still have time yet :p
Faith Elyse isn't that bad, neither is Faith Marie. Maybe move Faith into the middle name for something like Elizabeth Faith.

On a side note, our current naming convention is built like this
Christian Name | Common (Middle) Name | Family Name

The Christian name is usually a Biblical character or Catholic saint, and traditionaly was the same for all children of the same sex in a family, with the common name being used to distinguish them. (so you would see John Henry Smith, John George Smith, John Sean Smith as three brothers)

So for my son
Nathan - Christian Name (OT Prophet)
Christopher - Common Name (which can be a Bible character/saint)
Wrighton - family name.

And this has been your useless fact of the day!
i like the name "Emily" too. It's also a girl's name in my school whom i helped math a lot with
have you still not found the gender of the baby?
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