ICC 25


New Member
As I continue the quest line to obtain Shadowmourne, I need to finish off the bosses in ICC 25 up to the Litch King. I am quite confident that we can do this in Redeemed. So I am asking, again, for some help.

The quest line begins with The Sacred and Corrupt and I am up to Unholy Infusion. The series goes on a few more quests involving the other bosses in ICC. This is not a solo quest line for sure - it requires lots of help from 24 others who are rather adept at the fights.

So, if you would help me out, I'd rather stay in guild to get this done. Yes, it may be something that will be surpassed shortly after Cataclysm, but still a noteworthy accomplishment that says a lot about the guild.

So let's sign on and get this done!