Hello everyone,
Thanks to those of you who made the run today in ICC 10 man - we had a great time but also took our time due to describing fights and figuring out what to do to gain the 10 man achievements. Had a really fun time as memories of old battles faded in the simplicity of our current 'higher dps days'.
I think there is quite a bit of interest out there to get back into ICC - obviously not hardcore, but to rack up some of the achieves and for nostalgia's sake. I am wanting to aim at starting this 25 man run @ 1 p.m. MST on April 16. It will be going up on the calendar so please, please sign up with the appropriate status for your character. I would also love to see people post in here what character they will be bringing as it would be optimal to have our tanks and heals worked out ahead of time.
Sound good? Hope to see a full guild run happen!
Thanks to those of you who made the run today in ICC 10 man - we had a great time but also took our time due to describing fights and figuring out what to do to gain the 10 man achievements. Had a really fun time as memories of old battles faded in the simplicity of our current 'higher dps days'.
I think there is quite a bit of interest out there to get back into ICC - obviously not hardcore, but to rack up some of the achieves and for nostalgia's sake. I am wanting to aim at starting this 25 man run @ 1 p.m. MST on April 16. It will be going up on the calendar so please, please sign up with the appropriate status for your character. I would also love to see people post in here what character they will be bringing as it would be optimal to have our tanks and heals worked out ahead of time.
Sound good? Hope to see a full guild run happen!
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