I want my Mama!


New Member
Okay, I am breaking down and calling the doctor. I have been fighting this nasty cough for well over a week and nothing is helping. Today, I don't want to move, and I'd rather be lying down. I am still not working so I cannot afford this. I need a miracle. Please pray for me; I would greatly appreciate it.
I pray what I can, Health and healing to you In Jesus name , amen

Well we just Call on the Lord Jesus Christ, Right now to bring Restoration and Healing back in to Marcylene. We rebuke any and all Sickness in her, and speak healing and restoration into His Daughter.(A daugther Of the King most High) We do this in the authority of Lord Jesus Christ. We stand on Scripture and trust in the Lord,

We know we are called to Heal the Sick, Cast out demons and raise the dead. As your word guides us in Matthew 10:8 We seek a miracle for Marcylene and Speak the miracle Bread back in to the house of the LORD! We concrete our faith in your Love and Faithfulness oh Lord and just Like the Centurion in Matthew 8:5-13 we trust to you.

For you have shown us what we are expected to do, and have passed your authority down to us , to do as you have detailed in your word. Health, and restoration into Marcylene,In the Name of Lord Jesus Christ! Amen

I trust and believe in you Father God, I pray for Faith in Jesus name amen
You are all so sweet, loving, and kind. I love it when my loved ones pray for me; it makes me feel very much better! :) That was a beautiful and powerful prayer, MA. I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart :) :) :)
lol Laughter is the best medicine, and no WildBill, it is NEVER too late to pray! I love what Bro. Lester Roloff, (who ran various homes for wayward individuals...that are still running now many years after his homegoing), used to say...don't give up on them until they have been dead for three days!
I am feeling better, thank you. The doctor was kind enough to give me something without going in. I am thinking the trick of this medicine is to knock you out so you don't realize you are sick!
It is so nice to say God has/is/always will provide my needs.
Your prayers are always loved and appreciated...as are you:)
You guys are so precious! Truly! I feel loved and a part of the family. From the youngest to the oldest, those who I have gotten the opportunity to know form your posts and beyond, I learn from you and grow in the LORD because of you. You shine forth the Love of Christ. Your prayers keep me uplifted! I am not sure we could necessarily be considered a body of Christ here, but we are part of the Bride, and I would gladly be even a little toe in this great group! You are so sweet!