I think I know what I need to do? But I can not


New Member
It hurts to admit this but I have known for a while now that WOW and now WAR is an unhealthy obsession for me. When I quit WOW to play WAR was hoping to tone it down some and become much more casual, But as hard as I try its not working. Between gameing with you (redeemed) and playing with a Cousin on another server I spend upwards of 6 hours a night in game. I go to work and dont even want to be there. I want to be at home doing whatever it is am thinking needs to be done at that time on my Character, and theres always something. My time could be much beter spent with my Wife and two kids and bible study. Cant even say how longs its been since I did that. Am I the only one having this problem? Is there something wrong with me? I have always been a very responsible Person, and I know I should have toned it down long ago. But as long as the games on my PC and theres stuff to do I enjoy it to much to stay away. I thinking quiting is my only option. But like I said I never had so much fun In a past time than I do when I am in game. And would miss the fellowship and friends I have made along the way in The narrow path guild and now redeemed in warhammer.I wish there was an easy answer but I know in the end I have to do what I thinks right for me, am an adult and need to act like one. I dont like to open up like this but I know theirs elders in this guild that can offer me advise by knowing how their game life is and would like to hear what you have to say. The last thing I want to do is quit MMO's but I dont know any other way to stop this addiction. I have even thought about playing off line Role playing games but I tryed them in the past and just dont have the same appeal.But maybe thats what I need to get out of this computer chair every now and again:confused:. Thanks for listening to my rambling. GOD bless you all!
If it's something that is interfering with your walk with God and you're not able to take control then, as hard as the decision is, I don't think there's any choice. The Bible says we can't serve two masters, and it appears from your description that this is getting in the way of your family and your relationship with God.

In the whole scheme of things, these games are just entertainment...your soul is far more important.

Rest assured that we'll be praying for you and there's a group of people who will support you in whatever decision you need to make. I know this is a tough decision.
Admitting the issue is a start.

Confessing to the spouse and having boundaries set up is your next step.

if you cannot adhere to the boundaries then it is time to step away.

I would suggest talking to your wife and confessing you need to play the game over your need to be a good husband and father. Then you need her to help you set boundaries for you. Examples being- no playing while kids are awake (if they are young). Only playing while she is watching her favorite TV program (my wife's favorite because then i don't bother her). Only x number of hours per day. There are many different things. However, what is right for you is between your wife and yourself. I will tell you she will make very difficult boundaries to begin with, however, if you adhere to them you should gain freedom from your addiction.

Those are only some ideas.

Praying for you and your family.
I don't know a single christian gamer that has not had to take a close look at their favorite passtime and make a determination as to whether or not it is crossing that line between passtime and addiction.

If the Holy Spirit is convicting you about this, or anything for that matter, then that's happening because it has begun to affect your spiritual walk with the Lord.

Quitting is certianly a reasonable response and for many people, the only viable one. In a circumstance like this, where the activity itself is not sinful, but the over indulgence in it, like eating for example, then the response of quitting is going to work for some while simply applying some self-discipline and cutting back will work for others.

I have said for many years that one thing that is so necessary, yet so rare, is proper balance in the christian life. In fact, if you stop and think for a minute about any of the many famous (or infamous) religious personalities of the last couple of decades, who have "fallen", publicly, for one reason or another, in every situation you will find that they got out of balance in some area. It may have been money, lust, or some doctrinal position or other.

If you take a look at many of the current stock of famous religious personalities and you will find that they to are out of balance. For example, if you happen to watch any of the religious broadcasting available today, and I where to mention any number of those folks who have shows, I could mention their name and you would probably be able to tell me what issue they are always talking about. I say, John Haggee, and someone reading this right now is thinking, prophecy. Prophecy, prophecy, prophecy, it's all he preaches about! (Sorry to all you Haggee fans but it's the truth)

The point I'm trying to get across is this; you may well be addicted to video games. You may need to quit. You may also just be out of balance and in need of some restructuring and refocusing.

Let me end with this; get back to the things that you know God would have you to do. Don't just make time, but plan to study your Bible and spend time with your family everyday. In fact, let me incourage you to give God the first part of your day. Get up a half hour early if you have to and spend it in prayer and Bible study. Set a time in the evening (if that is your work schedule) to spend family quality time. And fit your gaming into the time that's left. But set definite limits-I would recommend no more than an hour and not everyday of the week, although you could be a little more generous to yourself on the weekend possbily. (I won't get into your money, your attendance to the House of God, or your witnessing but be aware that God has some expectations for you in those area's as well.)

In the end, remember that God is not the cosmic killjoy. If you simply give the things of God the proper priority in your life, God will see to it that you have the time to enjoy non-sinful passtimes. If God didn't want you to enjoy things He wouldn't have made food taste so good! But, if I can re-use the food example, He doesn't want you to be a glutton either.

May God Bless you in your choices. I have had problems in the past with issues of balancing God/Family/Work/Gaming. In fact I quit WoW and had no intention of playing another MMO due to time constraints. I followed WAR and learned about Redeemed. After praying about it and playing with this guild, I now feel I have balanced it properly. (Hence I have stopped playing MMO's with my non-Christian friends if they choose a different server.)

I play WAR now not just to play an MMO, but as another way to fellowship with other Christians and learn more about what God has in store for me.

What is proper balance for you? I don't know bro. Is the Holy Spirit convicting you on this issue? Only you can answer this. The only advice I can give bro, is what others have already said. Take it to God in prayer and open your heart to what he tells you.

God Bless you and I will also pray for you and your family.
Have cousin start a toon here, then you won't spend your time divided. You get the same quality of time in a shorter period of time.
Alcorn, Thanks so much for being so open. I know that I am new here, but since we are all brothers and sisters in Chirst I figured I would say something. A lot has already been said that I wont repeat, but one thing I will heavly agree with is what Icthus said about talking to your wife. A lot of time they can give us some prospective when we are overcome with some issue. It doesn't matter what it is, we loose sight of things when we are so close to a problem and our spouses are usually pretty good about helping us see clearly.
I went through this exact thing with DAoC when I first became a Christian. I ended up giving it up for Lent actually. I stayed true to actually giving it up and didn't do anything related to the game. I ended up replacing the game with more time with God and other social healthy things. After Lent was over I didn't even miss it.

After I became a stronger Christian I was able to set my priorities better and now can play (most times) with no hesitation about walking away.

I do find War is easier to walk away from then WoW. Mainly because everything takes less time and I don't feel like "I have to do my dailies or I'll never get that mount" For me anyway War is a lot more casual in a lot of ways.

I guess in summary what I am saying is prayerfully concider stepping away and be open for other things (truly open) especially God and give it time and you might be able to come back. Remember its only a game. It won't matter even 5 yrs from now. Hope that helps some.
