I need some opinions

ToJ | Dead_Aim

New Member
Well guys I am seriously considering starting a server company soon. I am waiting for my parents to ok it (for financial reasons.

Of course you guys are my online family and I was going to tell you guys first and get an idea of how many, if any of you would rent servers from me, what games, and if you knew someone who might want to rent from me. It will be a few months before I get started but I was hoping for some early comments.

Thanks for reading and God Bless,

Wow thats a big decision to make.. I don't have enough budget (me.. since my parents are auto-no
) to rent a server.. but I'd like to let some people know about it!

If you are starting a serv company, We'll keep it in our prayers man. Gl
Thats Flash.

And CCGR I will be running:

DELL COMPS (Ill give you specs if you want later)
Linux 9.0
All servers will have T1 connection
Sounds pretty awesome.. Mebe we could use those comps to run a Bot for a Bnet Channel for our ToJ SC chatper
Laf Im not adding an external hardrive for windows so i can run sc
. I do have an extra computer my sister uses i don't think she would mind leaving starcraft up. I'll ask her. We may setup a bot there
Linux 9.0 hmm? You mean redhat probably? I'm just re-migrating to linux via Redhat this time round, Mandrake was acting all windows-like. I hate being the bearer of bad news but starting a server company isn't as easy as it sounds. Lots of research, training and development go in to planning the growth of a server company from one box to many.
Linux Redhat 9.0=DABOMB! It's got all the features u need to run a server and all that.. It's a piece of cake if u know how to run it/have a good connection. The problem for me is.. I cannot set up the internet connection.. im reading a 20cm thick book about Linux to figure out how.. T-T
running a business in general is easier said than done. it's not something you wake up and say "i'm gonna run my own company cause i got an idea on how to make sales." that's only a fraction of the topology you need to consider.
Alright lets not go all negetivish on our bro. He just wants some opinions and u dont' hav to bring his new idea and spirit down.. Mebe God has some place or some thing he wants to do through our bro in Christ.. so i'll be the first to cheer u on Micah!

server specs?

I'd go for dual low-end P4s. like 2.0A range (400fsb = cheaper) and at least a gig of ram.

if you're doing co-lo, try to manage 1U.

costs mucho less.
that was more directed on awareness than negativity. the fact that truth can be hard to swallow at times is nothing new. effects do not stand by itself. you can react to the cause by feeling put down or you can supplement the endeavor by considering this mere caution.
I understand your caustions and all, (that post was not at u.. mostly at others who kept sayin u will fail -_-;) infact, i think your warnings are helpful to our bro whos makin a big decision

Amorph.. meh comps has those 2.0A