I need some advice


New Member
I need some advice. I have a friend whom have known for most of my life. I knew him before I got saved and he is older than me by 30+ years.
The problem is that my friend likes to drink and party and he has done this for as long as I have known him. He's now in his late 50's and all of those years of heavy drinking have taken their toll.
Last time I talked to him he told me that he had been sick and from what I saw and he discribed it sounded like it could be serious.
Since that day God has placed a urgent burdon on my heart to share with my friend God's love for him. The problem I am having is I'm not sure how to approach him. I mean this is a guy that knew me before I was saved and knows how I acted. Since I have been saved I tried to stay friends with him but because my lifestyle changed we were not as close.
I need advice on how to approach him. I also need your prayers.
Wow! What a mighty witnessing opportunity. I know I would feel the same way as you. Sometimes it's very hard to share the gospel with someone. Pray for the right timing and for the Holy Spirit to give you the words to say.
SSquared has some great advice and depending on your relationship...ask him where he is at spiritually and see if he is interested in knowing our God. Tell him that our God gives us freedom in stead of thou shall nots.
Thanks, I have been praying about this for the last week or so. Like I said I've known this guy for a long time and he tells me that he has been saved. I can't remember a time when he's ever gone to church or even acted like he has been saved.
If he has been then he has backslidden alot and if not well we all know how that will end if someone doesn't witness to him.
I really want to tell him that God loves him and that his drinking is killing him but on the other hand I don't want to come off too heavy.
I know the one thing that kept me out of church for so long is when someone would "beat me over the head with the Bible". What I mean is when people would quote verse after verse at me telling me what I am doing wrong (sometimes even twisting th verse to fit their point of view).
I don't want to be a wedge and as I have said this is a unique situation. I also feel a bit strange about this because my friend is in his late 50's and I'm only in my early 20's. So I have that whole thing about respecting my elders in the back of my mind and to compound that he is a war vet and that just adds to my respect.
I feel like I need to be very discreet and tactful. Please pray for me and my friend. His name is Tracy. I'm sure the oppertunity will present itself and when it does I am praying for the words that will hit home with him.
I'll pray for him too. If you two did have somehting in common, maybe the way you got saved might give you some insight on how to proceed with him