I need Shaman tips from the pros! =)


New Member
Hello all-
As I am soo close to lvl 80, I want to ask for any advice on building a strong Shaman! I love being a Shammy.

I need advice on:
Dual Spec build recommendations. (actual skill & rank)
End game/raiding gear
Soloing advice

I'm even open to suggestions on setting up my skill bars and what addons you like as a Shammy.

Thanks for your help,
Will Da Shammy =)
Thanks for the heads up Goblit. I will look him up.

Any other Shaman peeps, feel free to send me a message/email with your thoughts. I like hearing different opinions/suggestions.
Blessings to all,
Hey Will

Before I can advise you on anything Shaman-like I kind of want to make sure what primary spec you want to be. I assume it might be Enhancement from your armory page but I just want to make sure.
LOL! Right now I'm running Enhance, as it was the recommended lvling build (and I enjoy melee!). However, I'm not sure I have the best build. I'm also open to what my second build should be. I want to be senstive to the needs of the guild, so I'm leaning towards Resto as my dual.

So, those are the 2 builds I primarily need advice for. =)
I recommend the mod "Shock and Awe" to keep track of your Mael Weap procs. You'll have to trim it down some from the default. I just use it to track that one proc because it's that important.

Use This Build for optimal DPS. You should be using Magma Totem on AOE packs, and always keep lightning shield up.

Weapon Enchants = WF/FT

Ability priority is...
Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning (when MW X5) > Stormstrike > Earth Shock > Lava Lash.

Best Glyphs are Feral Spirit/Stormstrike/Windfury

More information HERE if you really want a good read. Some of this stuff is a little outdated but mostly right on.
I am currently dual specced as enhance/resto so I have some idea of where you are headed. It is a great time to be a shammy, and patch 3.2 will just make it so much better with the new totem interface.

For gearing up I would highly recommend the heroic's and start dabbling in Naxx. Make sure you don't use your emblems now on gear that will just be upgraded with the change to heroics in 3.2. For example pride would be good to shoot for, but a headpiece would be bad since you will get much better with the new emblems.

A good source for the gear you have to look forward to is at bighitbox. Especially look at the posts by stoneybaby, and there is one on the bis (best in slot) gear that is easy to get in 3.2.

While elitest jerks is a good place to get info I would also recommend you check out the app rawr. It is an awsome tool when you are looking for where and how to gear up as an enhance/resto shammy or other class.

Finally a few addons I would recommend would be shock and awe for the priority window, recount to keep track of how you are doing, clique and grid for awareness and healing.

Good luck.
Heya Will =]

I don't know too much about enhance, but if you need any help with resto/elemental, send me a msg in-game =] If i'm not on Kristeen, i'll be on my lock Betraye.
All i have shammy wise is on on the PTR--But im kidna good at building specs if you need help. Im guessing you are wanting a PvE spec for raiding