I can do with prayer.

Will do caleb. We all go through times where we're not fully surrounded but you always have a home here too.
Imagine that, sharing the house with gaming brothers and sisters lol I can smell the pizza in the oven!!! Praying for you!
I feel your pain. I have a medical condition that prevents me from driving or even riding in a car for more than a few minutes. (Seriously bad back issues.) So I miss a lot of church and I always feel left out of the loop.

But I'm blessed in that I found a few brothers who share my love for games and we try to have regular LAN parties or online hook-ups.

Remember when Paul was in prison and noone was around to encourage him, he constantly wrote to other churches and disciples and ASKED for encouragement. You're doing the right thing, bro. Hang in there.

Let me know if you ever want to hook up online for a match.