Hunter DPS...survival or marks?


New Member
I was doing a bit of research around wow-dom earlier this week (as I have an aspiring level 64 hunter) and there seems to be three main specs...marks with high armor pen, survival with all agility, and marks with agility. Seems like the scaling everyone goes through is:

1) level BM
2) early instance as marks/agi
3) when you get agi gear (mostly purple) go survival
4) when you get uber and mostly ilevel 230 gear, go APen Marks

Could someone who has more 80 experience on hunters than I please comment on this? I'd also be interested in what the marks rotation it similar to the ret pally "rotation" in that it's actually a priority list?

Thanks much for reading!
Good summary ... As for shot rotation ...

Hunter’s Mark
Serpent Sting
Chimera Shot
Aimed Shot
Arcane Shot
Steady Shot
Silencing Shot (whenever available)

I macro my steady shot to fire off silencing shot ...

Use Kill Shot if it is available.

My armory if you care to look at build ...
How did the recent Armor Pen nerf (-20% or something like that) affect the APen marks v Surv at higher gear levels? Also, would it then be best to grab a wasp pet for more APen goodness? I plan on using a wasp regardless, mostly because I've spent the last level of xp grinding those stupid mobs for the firefly pet...but I thought I'd ask if there was a way I could justify using the wasp as part of my DPS strategy. =)

Also...51Marks/20 Surv for PVP? Seems like Black Arrow wouldn't get a whole lot of use in PVP given the I'd go for marks and all the instants to throw around with scatter shot, etc...but I'm open to suggestions. I plan on doing a lot of PVP and some PVE. =D