New Member
i disagree. i think it is easier to die for Christ than to live for him. living for him you must keep your ways and stay as a good example, in dying all you must do is sit silentely. because you know where you will go. i also am not enthusiastic about the children turning to religion. Jesus did not come to bring a religion. the "religion" of Christianity was started by the Pharisees* who made the crud load of laws. Jesus came to bring the covenant of grace and Spiritaulity. that is why i hate it when people say "yeah, I'm religious". that doesnt mean anything. religious can mean that you believe in a higher power. it doesnt mean that the higher power you belive in is necessarily God. lots of people dont understand that Christianity is more than just a religion, it is a life style, it is a so much more than some people think. so children turning to "religion" doesnt excite me at all. and no, living as a Christian in America is not easy. not if you are living as a true Christian. you must agree that to some extent you look like the world. you like the music the world has, the clothes the world has and even the movies. but truly living as a Christian is being disgusted with the lyrics in songs and saying something about it. living as a Christian is being enraged when you see what movies are made nowadays. Christian mean little Christ. even in Jesus' day he was persucuted. they all believed in the same God but he was living in a radical fashion. in a way that had not been heard of. that is how we should live.