how sick is the nation?

i disagree. i think it is easier to die for Christ than to live for him. living for him you must keep your ways and stay as a good example, in dying all you must do is sit silentely. because you know where you will go. i also am not enthusiastic about the children turning to religion. Jesus did not come to bring a religion. the "religion" of Christianity was started by the Pharisees* who made the crud load of laws. Jesus came to bring the covenant of grace and Spiritaulity. that is why i hate it when people say "yeah, I'm religious". that doesnt mean anything. religious can mean that you believe in a higher power. it doesnt mean that the higher power you belive in is necessarily God. lots of people dont understand that Christianity is more than just a religion, it is a life style, it is a so much more than some people think. so children turning to "religion" doesnt excite me at all. and no, living as a Christian in America is not easy. not if you are living as a true Christian. you must agree that to some extent you look like the world. you like the music the world has, the clothes the world has and even the movies. but truly living as a Christian is being disgusted with the lyrics in songs and saying something about it. living as a Christian is being enraged when you see what movies are made nowadays. Christian mean little Christ. even in Jesus' day he was persucuted. they all believed in the same God but he was living in a radical fashion. in a way that had not been heard of. that is how we should live.
I understand the recent denouncement of the word "religion," and I too don't really feel it truly describes what Christianity is. (John Elderege has a good bit to say about Religion vs. Relationship.) Which is why I hesitated to use the word in the first place... BUT "religion" in the context of this secular article did mean a relationship with Christ. It wasn't always put in those words, but you could tell from the people they interviewed that they were sincere Jesus Freaks.

It's hard when we, as Christians, know the difference, but try to realize that to the secular world which doesn't know better, Christianity is a "religion" the same as Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, etc... The word doesn't always mean Pharisee.

they're talking about this a bunch on CCGR. Christianity is a religion IMO. The main part of it is a relationship with Jesus Christ, but it is a religion

"A system of beliefs, including belief in the existence of at least one of the following: a human soul or spirit, a deity or higher being, or self after the death of one’s body."
Christianity is a religion IMO. The main part of it is a relationship with Jesus Christ, but it is a religion

Religion, IE Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, et al is man reaching out to God. Christianity does not fall into this category because it is God reaching out to man.
I agree with all that. What I'm trying to say (and I think C$ is saying the same thing) is that Christianity falls into the secular definition of "Religion." There are major differences between Christianity and other religions of course. But it's only been recently that Christians have started hatin' on the word. I mean, if you need an example...

Gimme that old time religion,
Gimme that old time religion,
Gimme that old time religion,
That's good enough for me.
(ca. 1889, still sung in Baptist churches)

Another thing I'd like to point out is that religion should not automatically be seen as a bad thing. My example is the Catholic Church. With all the sacraments and liturgical stuff they do, it is very religiously oriented. But you can't say that every Catholic is a bad Christian. In fact, many Catholics I know find the religious aspect to be very positive to their faith.

Religion alone is dangerous, but it is not bad.

ok. but i stil think that we shouldnt view Christianity as a religion ourselves. i agree with Halonic. God is calling us. we must anwser, to me Chrisitanity is more of a relationship then a religion. and i believe you are straying from my original comment. saying that kids are turning to religion isnt always a good thing. because what religion? Wicanism? Buddhism? Hinduism? apastafarion?(they believe in the flying spahgetti monster, NO JOKE!) so which is it? they are all "religions". no i would be spiritual then religious.
and i believe you are straying from my original comment. saying that kids are turning to religion isnt always a good thing. because what religion? Wicanism? Buddhism? Hinduism? apastafarion?(they believe in the flying spahgetti monster, NO JOKE!) so which is it? they are all "religions". no i would be spiritual then religious.

Well, we're also straying from my original reply which was that this was a secular article and therefore used the word "religious" to describe these kids' authentic relationship with Christ.

I think we're all on the same page here. We just don't know it.

Here's what someone on CCGR says about it:
According to you. But even so, it's still a religion. Saying that Christianity isn't a religion is all semantics. People only say it to avoid the negative stigma associated with the word. Just because something is called a religion doesn't necessarily mean that it's false.
but did said article mention Jesus or Chrisitainity? or just religion? that is my question. there are many relgions but only one true one.
Christianity IS a religion; however, Christianity is more than JUST a religion. When we as Christians tell people "Christianity isn't a religion," we look pretty silly. Of COURSE it's a religion, by any commonly accepted definition. Check any dictionary; I have yet to find one that defines "religion" in a way that Christianity doesn't fit it. If you don't believe Christianity is a religion, you can't really claim the First Amendment protects your right to freely practice Christianity; it specifically says "religion."

And my opinion on the live versus die issue: living as a Christian is far easier than dying. Praying for persecution is a risky thing. Ever talked to anyone who has suffered REAL persecution? Ever spoken to a person who can't feed their children because they can't get a job, because no one will hire a Christian? Now THAT is a temptation to turn your back on God. We have to be willing to accept persecution if God allows us to suffer it, but we should be thankful we don't have to choose between worshiping as our conscience dictates and feeding our families.
And my opinion on the live versus die issue: living as a Christian is far easier than dying. Praying for persecution is a risky thing. Ever talked to anyone who has suffered REAL persecution? Ever spoken to a person who can't feed their children because they can't get a job, because no one will hire a Christian? Now THAT is a temptation to turn your back on God. We have to be willing to accept persecution if God allows us to suffer it, but we should be thankful we don't have to choose between worshiping as our conscience dictates and feeding our families.

PRAY FOR PERSECUTION!?!?!?!? the bible states we WILL experience persecution. I aint praying for more! what would it prove? Humbleness? *gag* (note to all you who don't think you have been persecuted, persecution in western culture is different than in eastern)

either way, this is semantics.
why care? how does it change anything?

It matters because it sets us apart from everyone else. As a religion we are nothing more than a a grain of sand on a beach. But if we set ourselves apart as being different than or more than just a religion, than we are something more meaningful.

Religion involves many rituals and specific rules as to how to practice it. Christianity does not have these bounds. You are free to worship in any way you like so long as it is something that would please God.

That is why it matters.

Christianity is Not a religion. It is a way of life that transcends other religions.
yes, ok. but which religion was it talking about?

What, the definition? Religions in general.

You can say "No no no it's more than a religion" but by legal definition it's a religion. The only difference is that it's right. It's just a word, I don't know why you guys shy away from it.